
オーディオインターフェイス & エフェクト


オーディオインターフェイス & エフェクト




同クラスをリードするDiscrete Pro®プリアンプ、最高のコンバーター、先進のTAE®エフェクトモデリングで、最高のサウンド体験が得られます。










FX Collection


数十年にわたる丹念なリサーチ、解析、モデリングの成果であるこれら15種類のエフェクトは、あなたの音楽のレコーディングやミックスの方法を完全に変貌させます。歴史上最高のアウトボードエフェクト、コンソールコンポーネント、エフェクトペダルに、フレッシュでモダンな機能と能力を組み合わせたFX Collectionは、現代のプロデューサーにとって必要不可欠なツールです。

FX Collectionを発見する




  • 2015年1月



  • 2019年1月

    AudioFuse range, 8Pre, Studio

    2019年、私たちは現代のプロデューサーの高まる要求に応えるため、Fuseレンジを拡大しました。AudioFuse 8PreはインターフェイスとしてもADATエクスパンダーとしても機能し、8つのアナログ・オーディオチャンネル、USB-C接続を備えた、完璧なライブアンサンブル・レコーディングソリューションです。AudioFuse Studioは、18イン/20アウト、素晴らしいアナログプリアンプ、比類ない接続性など、すべてを備えた1台です。どんなプロジェクトにも対応できるように設計されています。

  • 2020年2月

    FX Collection

    エンジニアリングの専門知識とサウンドへの情熱が集結したFX Collectionは、Arturiaの音楽制作&オーディオエンハンスメント・プラグインのすべてを1つの刺激的なスイートに統合しました。時代を超越したアナログクラシックから、心を揺さぶるモダンリバーブまで、進化し続けるこのコレクションは、ミュージシャン、プロデューサー、エンジニアがDAW上でワールドクラスのスタジオツールを使ってサウンドを形作ることを可能にします。

  • 2021年9月




  • Sound On Sound

    On AudioFuse

    “Audiofuse consciously moves away from the single-knob and break-out cable design of other audio manufacturers and instead opts to provide as much hands-on control as possible.”

  • Doctor Mix

    On AudioFuse

    “AudioFuse is a serious bit of kit, and it really sounds fantastic.”

  • Fact Mag

    On AudioFuse

    “Designed for musicians who need a compact audio interface for recording inside and outside the studio.”

  • Music Radar

    On AudioFuse

    “AudioFuse offers an impressive range of I/O options.”

  • Ask Audio

    On AudioFuse

    “I really like it! AudioFuse has the audio interface design and functionality on the unit I’ve been screaming out for for a long time.”

  • Audio Fanzine

    On AudioFuse

    “The AudioFuse is an excellent audio interface with multiple qualities, good value for money, and dizzying specifications.”

  • Sound On Sound

    On AudioFuse

    “Competition in the world of desktop interfaces is becoming increasingly fierce, but the AudioFuse is perhaps the most versatile such interface yet, with several genuinely unique features. If you need a Swiss Army knife of the audio world, the AudioFuse has more blades than most.”

  • Audio Fanzine

    On Preamps

    “The proposed colors are particularly attractive and musical. In addition, the implementation could not be simpler.”

  • Ask Audio

    On Filters

    “Anyone working with electronic music will appreciate their ability to create filter patterns - pulsing and rhythmic sweeps and even ducking effects - and left static they are a great way to shape any sound, even in more conventional styles of production. See if, like me, you agree these really are filters that you will actually use.”

  • Resident Advisor

    On Filters

    “When you take into account the advanced mod matrix and the fact that the filters can be routed four different ways, the amount of sound design potential available here is undoubtedly impressive.”

  • Pro Tools Expert

    On Preamps

    “This is a really good use of them modeling technology (...) It's a very brave, yet catchy title, however, these could well be 3 Preamps you use all the time. They are easy to use, light on CPU load and they sound great.”

  • Tape Op

    On Preamps

    “Kudos to Arturia for the inclusion of a mid-side mode on all three preamps – it's a great utility to have at the ready for broadening a stereo source, and Arturia's implementation of M/S (plus the inclusion of phase inversion on each model) makes you want to experiment with – and yes, actually USE – these plug-ins. And I guess that's why the naming convention is so spot on for these two bundles – the focus on high ergonomics and function paired with low fuss and CPU impact makes for happy music makers. I will use the hell out of these.”

  • Muzyk FCM

    On Preamps

    “Great collection of processing tools by Arturia who proves that it's not only about their quality synthesizer and instrument vsts!”

  • Strong Mocha

    On Compressors

    “Rating: Four out of five stars 3 Compressors You’ll Actually Use is a very excellent bundle of three compressors that you can add at a low price point to your tool boot to help to produce well-mixed instruments and tracks.”

  • Future Music

    On Compressors

    “This option is great to get the three emulations at a price that is very small and advantageous in comparison(...) Borrowing the iconic names of Retro Instruments, UREI /Universal Audio, and DBX, these vintage soul units look decisively at the challenges of modern music production (...) It is also fair that we highlight the delicacy of Arturia 3 Compressors by offering a reliable re-scalable graphic panel in each plugin that honors the ancestors, while the new features are presented in a subtle and respectful way.”

  • Create Digital Music

    On Compressors

    “The STA-Level is maybe the most interesting of the three as far as rarity. (...) here’s where Arturia clearly has an edge, you get new sidechaining and auto-leveling and other features that make these more fun to use in modern contexts and easier to drop into your creative flow. (...) I’m already impressed on sound and functionality.”

  • Gearspace

    On Compressors

    “5/5 Very fine sounding units with what appears to be excellent emulations of the classic hardware compressors. Excellent GUI - looks like the real thing with some very useful additions. Flexible sidechain controls, and external sidechain capability. Love the Band EQ!”

  • Audio Fanzine

    On Compressors

    “These compressors sound great, they marry very well with each other and additional features. Both sound, ergonomic and didactic are of rare relevance”

  • Edm Prod

    On AudioFuse

    “This interface is the ultimate all-in-one for the bedroom producer. No more USB hubs, MIDI interfaces or mixers. If you’re looking for this kind of studio solution, you won’t find a better option. Personally, this will be my next purchase.”

  • Age Of Audio

    On Compressors

    “I have compared the new Arturia plug-ins with other competitors, and I can certainly say that this emulation is more complete, focusing on innovation and sound accuracy. (...) These plugins are perfect for all the situations…All compressors sound convincing, better than other competitors, CPU consumption is relatively low. These products are definitely recommended for those looking for plugins that give character to the sound.”

  • Computer Music

    On Compressors

    “Three superb vintage compressors. Beautiful resizable GUIs. Arturia's best effects bundle yet.”

  • Professional Audio Magazin

    On Compressors

    “Arturia's "3 Compressors you will actually use", Comp FET-76, Comp VCA-65 and Comp TUBE-STA, combine the sound of old classics with modern and innovative compressor features. Whatever you adjust - it usually sounds very good. Thanks to the successful combination of reproduction and innovation, they really have what it takes to be used often in production and to be the go to’s on a day-to-day basis.”

  • XLR8R

    On Preamps

    “Are they (as they have been so boldly named) in fact 3 Pre-amps and 3 Filters you would actually use? After a few days living with them, my personal answer is an emphatic yes. Add to this a price point which sits at a fraction of all of their hardware and software competitors, and both packages enter the realm of "buy on sight." Arturia has really captured these signature sounds beautifully.”

  • Ask Audio

    On Delays

    “After using this suite of delays from Arturia, I can say with certainty, I will actually use these delays.”

  • Pro Tools Expert

    On Delays

    “Start with one of the presets and let you imagination run wild.”






  • 独自のプリアンプ: 卓越したサウンド、それがFuseシリーズの核心です。DiscretePRO®から、手頃な価格のMiniFuseのクラス最高の音質まで、すべてのFuseシリーズのプリアンプは、低ノイズ、広大なダイナミックレンジ、最高の周波数特性を実現しました。

  • 高い信頼性の設計: Fuseシリーズは、堅牢な素材と最高級パーツを採用しているだけでなく、すべてのFuse製品は、出荷前に何百回もの品質と耐久性のテストを受けています。すべてのFuse製品は、長持ちするように作られていますのでご安心ください。

  • TAE®: トゥルー・アナログ・エミュレーションにより、クラシックな回路のソフトクリッピングの詳細な動作から、アナログフィルターのニュアンスまで、ビンテージスタジオ機器の憧れのサウンドをソフトウェアエフェクトで比類ない精度で再現することを可能にしています。



現実はひとつしかないのでしょうか? 過去と現在の最もアイコン的なサウンドに満ちたパラレルワールドを想像してみましょう。可能性が無限に広がる世界を。聴く、複製する、創造する。音楽創造の扉を開いて、新たなプレイグラウンドを探検しましょう。
