A totally original Arturia design, Delay Eternity takes a deceptively simple digital delay and transforms it into something breathtaking.
Make your vocals quirky and cool in an instant; creating a resonating, harmonic drone from any sound; shake up a loop and create something totally new. The possibilities are practically limitless.
Surprising, creative, versatile
Exciting new sounds are always just a tweak away, with a great selection of presets.
More than just a delay
Huge modulation potential, and multiple delay lines to experiment with.
Texture machine
Bitcrusher and filters let you shape the feedback loop to turn anything into granular texture.
Don’t take our word for it,
hear it for yourself
Delay Eternity is versatile and powerful, but without being too complex to use and enjoy.
Hear some of the presets that you can find within Delay Eternity, and imagine how you can use this sound-shaping power in your own tracks.
Voice Doubler
The mid-side stereo options let you create silky smooth vocal doubling effects that don't sound terrible when you convert them to mono!
Snare Stutter Filter
Playing with the stereo, filter, and echo volume modulation lets you create weird rhythmic stutter effects with ease, adding spice to any track you like.
Resonator Drums
The delays can be so finely tuned that creating resonating chords from any sound source is not just possible, it's one of the coolest things about the plug-in!
Repeater Synth
Use the powerful modulation routing to make your instruments delay or repeat only at set times in the bar, perfectly sync'd to your DAW.
Ping Pong Piano
It's not all crazy. Delay Eternity makes beautiful rhythms like this a breeze, creating feel and atmosphere, and transforming any instrument.
Granular Drums
Deconstruct and make a mess out of any source in real time! LFO modulations twist the delay, the "fade" mode keeps the pitch steady when changing delay time.
Dynamic Pitch Hats
Delay Eternity lets you use the level of the incoming signal to control anything, including delay time! It's a bit mind-melting, as the envelope follower warps the audio in real time.
Dynamic Pitch Guitar
You can get totally bizarre, forced-pitch melodic parts using the pitch-levelling “repitch” mode, being controlled by the deep modulation. Bizarre, and hugely fun.
Try it out

Let’s get
Delay Eternity is awesome, it’s powerful, but it’s also new.
We don’t want to take anything for granted, so let us explain the ins and outs of this versatile, inspiring plug-in.
Delay Eternity gives you such a large, powerful, cool array of options for colouring sound, we know you’re going to be blown away. When you open it up, you’ll be amazed at the quirky, unusual sounds you can create with ease; so much more than you’d expect from a delay plugin.
Oh, and you can create simple delays, too.
Multiple time-processing modes let you determine this plug-in’s behaviour and sound.
Give your signal some digital degradation and crunch, or filter the sound to perfection.
Both delay lines features a left and right channel, giving you a quartet of creative delay channels.
Cut out unwanted frequencies from your delay, and boost the best bits with a powerful integrated EQ.
Use the incoming signal itself to modulate any of the parameters of the delay!
Twin LFOs can modulate multiple parameters, sync’d, linked, and ready to blow your mind.
Included in
FX collection
このエフェクトはFX Collectionに内蔵されているものですが、ミュージシャン、プロデューサー、アーティストにクリエイティブな音楽制作を可能にする、必要不可欠なオーディオエフェクト・プラグイン集です。驚異的な高精度でモデリングされたアイコン的なレコーディング機器から最先端のコンテンポラリー・エフェクトまで、このコレクションには最も人気の高いスタジオ機材、希少なギター・ペダル、モダンなミック・スエンハンサーなどを収録しています。あなたの音楽制作をさらに向上させ、これまで以上にミックスに色彩を加えることができます。
Learn More
Arturia Software Centerでは、すべてのArturiaソフトウェア・タイトルのダウンロード、整理、アップデートを管理することができます。可能な限りシンプルにまとめていきましょう。
FX Collectionプラグインのすべてのパラメーターをお気に入りのMIDIコントローラーにマッピングすれば、ミックス時に全て手元でパラメーターをコントロールできます。フィルターをスウィープさせたり、プリアンプで大きめに増幅させたり、モジュレーションをワープさせたりなど、その場でリアルタイムでのコントロールが可能となります。
FX Collectionに内蔵されているプラグインには全てチュートリアルが内蔵されており、サウンドを最大限に引き出すための重要なパラメーターやその調整方法、そしてミックスに役立つテクニックを段階的に解説しています。チュートリアル・パネルでは、使用中のパラメーターをリアルタイムに解説してくれるので、重要なポイントを見逃すこともありません。
FX Collectionの効率的なブリセット・ブラウザでは、お気に入りのプリセットをフィルタリング、整理、登録して、すぐに呼び出すことができます。インストゥルメントの種類、ジャンル、プロダクション・テクニックなどで検索することができるため、検索に無駄な時間を割くことをせず、エディットやクリエイティブな作業に貴重な時間をより費やす事ができます。
Main Features
Modern creative digital delay effect
5 different mode: single, ping pong, Pan, dual serial and dual parallel
3 different time mode changes: repicth, digital cut and difgital fade
Bit crusher and 3 different filters choices in feedback path
Processing in stereo with independent repeat time
Possibility to sync repeat rates to the host tempo
Stereo tools to control spatial width
Input equalizer with lowpass, highpass and peak filters, to shape the sound entering the unit
Enveloppe follower for dynamic modulation and rythmical effects
2 LFOs with 26 possible dual destinations
Resizable window
Integrated tutorials
Platforms specifications
- Win 10+ (64bit)
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
- ARM processors not supported on Windows
Required configuration
- VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).

- Mac OS 11+
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Work with ASC
- An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.
* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.
*NKS ready