_MiniFuse 2

Flexible dual audio interface.


MiniFuse 2 is a next-gen audio & MIDI interface that gives you everything you need to make music and audio your own way. With unmatched sound quality, smart connectivity, and an exclusive music-making software pack, this is a portable audio companion evolved.

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What's included?

Analog Lab IntroAnalog Lab IntroV.5
Pre 1973Pre 1973
Rev PLATE-140Rev PLATE-140
Delay TAPE-201Delay TAPE-201
Chorus JUN-6Chorus JUN-6
Ableton Live LiteAbleton Live Lite
NI Guitar Rig 6 LENI Guitar Rig 6 LE
Splice 3 monthsSplice 3 months
Auto-Tune Unlimited 3 monthsAuto-Tune Unlimited 3 months
MiniFuse 2 Unit
MiniFuse 2 Unitsize : 7.9 x 3.9 x 1.65 inches (200 x 100 x 43mm) — weight : 1.1 lbs (.431 Kg)
USB-A to USB-C cable
USB-A to USB-C cable

_Main features

Included Arturia instruments - 500 vintage & modern keyboard presets with Analog Lab Intro

_Platform specifications and compatibility

  • Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
  • 4 GB RAM (8 GB+ recommended)
  • 64-bit Intel® Core™ or AMD multi-core processor (i5 processor or faster recommended)

_Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods are available?

How does the quick purchase option work?

What is the Express Checkout?

How can I order VAT free (Tax-exempt)?

payment.svgSecured payment
shipping.svgUPS delivery
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