_KeyStep Pro

Polyphonic sequencing controller keyboard.

US$ 574

Unparalleled sequencing and arpeggiation power in a compact, desktop friendly form. KeyStep Pro lets you connect all your vintage hardware, modular gear, and software instruments together to supercharge your creativity.

What's included?

Ableton Live LiteAbleton Live Lite
Analog Lab IntroAnalog Lab IntroV.5
KeyStep Pro unit
KeyStep Pro unitInstrument size : 23.2 x 8.2 x 1.5 inches (589 x 208 x 38mm) — Instrument weight : 5.9 lbs. (2.7 Kg)
Power supply, Registration card, Quick Start & USB cable
Power supply, Registration card, Quick Start & USB cable

_Main features

37 note slim keys, velocity and aftertouch sensitive

  • LED above each key for efficient visual feedback
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