Echoes of the old world
Synth-rock toolbox
Ethereal Sonic Daydreams
Nostalgic synth wonderland
Ethereal uptempo edge
A warm tribute to synthwave classics reinvented
Iconic synths of the latest decades
A hypnotic, vibrant sonic palette
Pure pop indulgence
Skyscraper pop of tomorrow
People call me Giorgio
Virtuoso pop-rock titans
Celebrating electronic evolution
PolyBrute sounds by Brain Damage
An iconic discography in sound
Blissful trip hop evolution
Chill patches for laid back hits
Big anthem vibes
Sounds for synthetic sunsets
Crystalline ambience
The genre-defying avant-garde
Thought-provoking synth exploration
Real synth lushness
Massive prog-rock toolkit
6-string asymmetry
Emotive 88-key perfection
The new old school
Synthwave gone nocturnal
Keyboard giants of the ‘70s
Monster patches
PolyBrute goes prog
The sound of Michael Jackson
Flux capacitor is fluxing
The keyboard greats remade
Polyphonic supermassive
The sounds of dystopia
David Bowie tribute
Sleepless sounds
A tribute to Prince
Trippin’ on a rainbow
Soulmate insomnia
Going on a Moon Safari
I know what I like (in a preset)
1984 FM Masters
Get your groove on
Travelling between dimensions
Hold the synth line
Rare sounds, regained