_AudioFuse X8 IN

Expand your audio experience

US$ 399
AvailableVAT excluded

AudioFuse X8 IN enhances the flexibility of your studio with 8 premium line-level inputs. Link to any ADAT-compatible audio interface and accommodate more instruments and outboard gear.

What's included?

Comp DIODE-609Comp DIODE-609
Analog Lab IntroAnalog Lab IntroV.5
Chorus JUN-6Chorus JUN-6
Phaser BI-TRONPhaser BI-TRON
Rev PLATE-140Rev PLATE-140
Delay TAPE-201Delay TAPE-201
Comp FET-76Comp FET-76
Pre V76Pre V76
Pre TridAPre TridA
Pre 1973Pre 1973
Filter MINIFilter MINI
AudioFuse X8 IN & Power supply
AudioFuse X8 IN & Power supply8.70 x 8.50 x 11.89 inches (221 x 216 x 48mm)

_Main features

Audio interface expander

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