_AudioFuse 16Rig

Studio mastermind interface


AudioFuse 16Rig is a high-density audio interface that combines an unmatched array of connections with a creativity-first workflow, built to handle a hardware-focused setup and keep your devices always in sync, always sounding pristine, and always ready to go.

What's included?

Analog Lab IntroAnalog Lab IntroV.5
Pre 1973Pre 1973
Pre TridAPre TridA
Pre V76Pre V76
Analog Lab LiteAnalog Lab Lite
Comp FET-76Comp FET-76
Filter MINIFilter MINI
Delay TAPE-201Delay TAPE-201
Phaser BI-TRONPhaser BI-TRON
Chorus JUN-6Chorus JUN-6
Rev PLATE-140Rev PLATE-140
Comp DIODE-609Comp DIODE-609
AudioFuse 16Rig unit + Power supply + 2x USB cable
AudioFuse 16Rig unit + Power supply + 2x USB cablesize : 17.3 x 10.2 x 1.8 inches (440 x 260 x 45mm)

_Main features

16 x TRS analog inputs

  • Includes 2 x high-quality digitally-controlled preamps
  • Inputs 3 & 4 also available as 3.5mm stereo input

_Platform specifications and compatibility

  • Win 10+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Intel i5 CPU or faster
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

_Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods are available?

How does the quick purchase option work?

What is the Express Checkout?

How can I order VAT free (Tax-exempt)?

payment.svgSecured payment
shipping.svgUPS delivery
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