Wurli V

Soulful electric bite

The cool, characterful and funk-infused keys of the Wurlitzer electric piano resounds through countless famous tracks. With next generation physical modeling, Wurli V brings this irresistible and evocative sound to your DAW in all its electric glory - and then some.

Funk maestro

The Wurlitzer electro-mechanical piano has an undeniably original sound, carrying classics from the Doors and the Stones to Aretha Franklin and Supertramp. Its electrified sound can be spotted from a mile-off, delivering an effortless funk and groove attitude.

Our exclusive physical modeling technology, Phi®, renders every detail of this classic electric piano - the reeds, the pickups, the preamp and output circuit. Transport an authentic and animated Wurli to the DAW, studio or stage - for a warm, gravelly and melodious piano sound that is like-for-like with the original.

Dynamic Detail

The original Wurli won over acoustic pianists with its huge dynamic range. Physical modeling puts every single dB of it beneath your fingers.

Wurli Wonderland

Channel the classic Wurli models or launch into otherworldly soundscapes. With Wurli V, inject the flavor of the ’60s and ’70s into the songs of tomorrow.

Studio-grade effects

Wurli V’s prominent sound doesn’t stop at authentic modeling. With a vast effects array and advanced settings, augment and customize a sound to fit your mood and FX fantasies.

Lightweight emulation

Not only is Wurli V a faithful recreation for producers and keyboardists alike, but your computer will love that it’s highly CPU-efficient.

That moves

Wurli V covers a broad stylistic range with a sound that breathes character and soulful electric expressivity.


A dreamy new-age track showcasing the smoothness of the Wurli V3.

Durty Wurly Jam

Funky, syncopated jam using several instances and playing styles on the Wurli V3.

Keytarsky Groove

A groovy track using various timbres and settings of the Wurli V3 models.

Neo Soul Mood

An ultra smooth neo-soul tune using the Wurli V3.

Stay With Moi

Classic rock/blues Wurli V3 track, with a slightly overdriven sound.

The Rambler

Rambling down Wurli lane, showcasing the Wurli V3 models.


The Wurlitzer was more than an instant hit, giving voice to a southern soul spirit and funk essence that took 60’s & 70’s pop music by storm. From Booker T & the MG’s to Queen, its sound was far from unheard.

Wurli V faithfully reproduces the model 200; the most popular and enduring from the Wurlitzer lineup. Compact, portable, stable, and stackable, it got close enough to the dynamic range of an acoustic piano while adding some electro-mechanical might that matched the guitars - giving players a great sounding keyboard they could carry from gig to gig.

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By definition, an electric piano doesn’t need a lot of controls. But it goes hand in hand with effects and an amp. Wurli V’s main interface has it all, as well as offering unique ways to modify and morph its sound and feel.

Modeled vibrato

Mellow the sound and create some stylistic wobble by dialing-in vibrato (it's actually tremolo).

Pedal rig

16 effects profiles to choose from to modify and morph Wurli V, from spatial effects, distortions and dynamics to sound-widening modulations.

Preset palette

Discover gratifying Wurli moods out-of-the-box with a curated selection of presets - from clean and cool keys to amped vibrato flows.

The advanced panel

Access a range of instrument, envelope and output settings for further refinement, customisation and personalized detail.

A closer

Zoom in on the quick-fire workflow of Wurli V’s interface, from tonality adjustments to hard-hitting hammer effects.

to be elevated

Go from raw and unrefined to completely customized at the touch of a button. Wurli V’s Advanced panel and pedal rig lets you dive deep into your favorite FX, velocity response, unique tuning options and instrument variations to create a one-of-a-kind Wurli sound.

Advanced View
Effects View

Reach beyond the veil of Wurli V and make a range of tweaks; from tuning, timbre shift and envelope settings to output stage adjustments and key release noise.

Make subtle or sweeping modifications to Wurli V’s sound with 4 FX slots and 16 FX types. Choose your room profile, add some echo or turn-up vintage charm by combining Chorus and Twin Amp FX.


Enjoy an expertly-crafted selection of 64 presets, from crisp and vibrant chords to fringe, effect-laden tones.


Default 200

Model 200 with moderated first harmonic default.

Give It A Wurl

The Movement Macro controls a reverb effect that might be used similarly to how a guitarist might use a reverse effect.

Mellow 200

A straightforward, kind of dark 200 Wurli.


Dirty Flanged

Slightly crunchy, dirty Wurli with a lot of flange.

Got A Little Kick

Long sustain, multi-purpose creative Wurli.

Spin Me Round

Leslie loves Wurli V3.


Interstellar Friend

Interpersonal relationships with inner and outer space, on Wurli V3.

It Is On

George Duke's "It's On" on Wurli V3.

Magic Pendant

A tribute to the atmospheric Wurli heard in Air's "Talisman."



  • Keyboard US

    On Wurli V

    “Gargantuan selection of classic and modern Wurlitzer sounds. Huge array of effects and tone-shaping controls.”

  • Sonic Scoop

    On Wurli V

    “Compared to any other Wurli emulation out there, this is the most flexible and usable of them all. Wurlitzer V from Arturia is an inspiring, gritty, and fully realized Wurlitzer Model 200A inside your computer. If you can rock the Wurli it’s completely worth the asking price.”

Included in
V collection

Legendary Keyboards Reinvented

This instrument is also part of the V Collection -your complete dream line-up of the legendary synths, organs, pianos and more that made keyboard history. They’re modeled with the most advanced technologies for authentic realism, and enhanced with new creative options. Whether you use it as DAW plugins in the studio or standalone at gigs, V Collection puts the greatest keys of all time at your fingertips for instant inspiration.

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  • アプリ内チュートリアル


  • ASC

    Arturia Software Centerでは、すべてのArturiaソフトウェアタイトルのダウンロード、整理、アップデートをワンストップで行えます。ものごとはシンプルに。

  • DAW対応


  • プリセットブラウザ


  • リサイズ可能なGUI


  • 完璧な統合





すべてのキーボードレジェンドが回路やアナログコンポーネントを使用しているわけではありません。V Collectionに収録されている素晴らしいアコースティック楽器とエレクトロ・アコースティック楽器を再現するために、Arturiaは最先端のフィジカルモデリング技術を採用しました。各楽器がどのように独自のサウンドを生み出しているかを分析し、高度な数学的アルゴリズムを用いてオリジナルのあらゆる側面を再現しています。


Main Features

Enhanced model of the classic Wurli piano utilizing advanced Phi® physical modeling.

4 models represented: 200, 200 Bass, 200a, 200a Bass

Modeled EQ, Tremolo and Output Stage

Variety of presets to choose from reflecting the range of voicing possibilities.

Effects pedal rig with 4 slots and 16 FX profiles, including Twin AMP FX (Fender Twin or Leslie) and room ambiance selection.

Advanced velocity curve editor and instrument, output, acoustics and mechanical tuning options.

  • Age option to apply detune
  • Choose model and output type

Over 50 factory presets

Platform specifications


  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4コア、3.4GHz (ターボブースト時4.0GHz) 以上のCPU
  • 3GB以上のディスク空き容量
  • OpenGL 2.0互換のGPU
  • ARMプロセッサーはWindowsではサポートされていません


  • スタンドアローンまたはVST、AAX、Audio Unit、NKS (64ビットDAWのみ) の各プラグイン形式で動作


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4コア、3.4GHz (ターボブースト時4.0GHz) 以上のCPU、またはM1 CPU
  • 3GB以上のディスク空き容量
  • OpenGL 2.0互換のGPU


  • Arturiaソフトウェア・インストゥルメントのインストール、アクティベーション、アップデートを支援するエレガントでシンプルなソリューションです。


*NKS ready