Rev SPRING-636



Rev SPRING-636
99$/99€ 今すぐ購入

The bouncy “boing” of a spring reverb has brought joy, soul, and atmosphere to countless records since the technology was devised in the 30s. Now Rev SPRING-636 will add that authentic, physical tone to your DAW.

It’s this marriage of audio techniques and modelling technology that let us create the best-sounding software spring reverb ever heard.

Vibrant spring tanks

Multiple spring reverb units in one fantastic, character-packed software effect

Iconic sound

The unrivaled sound of a physical spring resonating with your music

Germanium drive

A super-crunchy, musical input that lets you drive it hard for extra distorted tone.

Originally invented to add some “space” to the sound of Hammond Organs way back in the 30s, the reverb is a relatively simple design of a suspended spring inside a tank. The sound of the instrument is passed through the spring, and picked up again, blended into the original sound, and that’s it!

For the core unit, we based our software reverb on the legendary Grampian 636 spring reverb. The original 636 was the go-to reverb of The Who’s Pete Townshend, of legendary producers like Lee Scratch Perry or King Tubby, and a cornerstone of reggae and ska music.

The great thing about spring reverbs, and one of the reasons they have been so popular for the last 90 years, is that every one of them seems to have a unique tonal character. Some are bright, some zap, some zing, and poing, and some boing, but they all have their uses. This is one of the reasons we’ve included many different “spring tank” models in Rev SPRING-636: you can find the one that suits your music best.

Thanks to the power of our TAE® and Phi® modelling technologies, we’ve been able to recreate everything that made the 636, and spring reverbs in general, so very special. True Analog Emulation® handles the electronic side, analyzing and accurately modelling the way the circuitry works, and how it responds to various audio signals. Phi® lets us study the physical nature of the reverb, how the spring reacts, how the tank’s resonance changes the sound.

What springs
are made for

These examples show just a fraction of what Rev SPRING-636 is capable of. The true fun begins when you experience it for yourself, in your own projects. Download the free trial now and get ready to have your mind blown.

Dirty Drive

If you push it hard, the recreated germanium preamp can add some of the filthiest, fuzziest distortion you’ve ever heard.

Vibrant Verb

There’s something so real and physical about the sound of a spring reverb, it really brings your signal to life.

Full Control

Rev SPRING-636 lets you adjust the reverb length, its width, and the dry-wet signal on the fly without nasty artefacts.


Modern sounds and abilities exclusive to our software recreation.

Loading up this plugin on one of your tracks feels like getting hands-on with a modded, souped up, fully customizable bit of music industry history.

Multiple spring tanks

There are 8 different spring tanks to choose from, all taken from stage and studio classics, from modern tanks to really rare vintage units.

Predelay and filtering

Add a little predelay to your reverb to give your original signal some space, and hone the signal before it even hits the reverb. Great for decluttering your low-end.

Post-verb Eq

Why load up another plugin, when Rev SPRING-636 can refine and shape your reverb for you? The 3-band EQ helps you carve out space for the reverb in your mix.

Experience Rev SPRING-636

Can’t wait to try it out on your own music? Why wait? Load it up, and explore this reborn legend for yourself.

  • Vintage preamp

    Germanium pre that warms up your signal, and turns into a full-on inferno when you crank it

  • Reverb length

    Make your reverb as long or as tight and snappy as you like with this simple control

  • Mix it right

    Select your perfect dry/wet balance, or change it on the fly like the dub legends did

  • Predelay & prefilter

    Delay how quickly the reverb starts, and carve out exactly the part of your signal you want to hit the reverb

  • Reverb tanks

    Explore 8 different spring reverb legends, all perfectly modelled with unique spring and kick sounds.

  • Post-Eq

    A 3-band EQ lets you get things sounding just the way you want, right inside the plugin.


Included in
FX collection


このエフェクトはFX Collectionに内蔵されているものですが、ミュージシャン、プロデューサー、アーティストにクリエイティブな音楽制作を可能にする、必要不可欠なオーディオエフェクト・プラグイン集です。驚異的な高精度でモデリングされたアイコン的なレコーディング機器から最先端のコンテンポラリー・エフェクトまで、このコレクションには最も人気の高いスタジオ機材、希少なギター・ペダル、モダンなミック・スエンハンサーなどを収録しています。あなたの音楽制作をさらに向上させ、これまで以上にミックスに色彩を加えることができます。

Learn More


  • DAW対応


  • ASC

    Arturia Software Centerでは、すべてのArturiaソフトウェア・タイトルのダウンロード、整理、アップデートを管理することができます。可能な限りシンプルにまとめていきましょう。

  • リサイズ可能なGUI


  • リアルタイム・コントロール

    FX Collectionプラグインのすべてのパラメーターをお気に入りのMIDIコントローラーにマッピングすれば、ミックス時に全て手元でパラメーターをコントロールできます。フィルターをスウィープさせたり、プリアンプで大きめに増幅させたり、モジュレーションをワープさせたりなど、その場でリアルタイムでのコントロールが可能となります。

  • アプリ内チュートリアル

    FX Collectionに内蔵されているプラグインには全てチュートリアルが内蔵されており、サウンドを最大限に引き出すための重要なパラメーターやその調整方法、そしてミックスに役立つテクニックを段階的に解説しています。チュートリアル・パネルでは、使用中のパラメーターをリアルタイムに解説してくれるので、重要なポイントを見逃すこともありません。

  • Preset browser

    FX Collectionの効率的なブリセット・ブラウザでは、お気に入りのプリセットをフィルタリング、整理、登録して、すぐに呼び出すことができます。インストゥルメントの種類、ジャンル、プロダクション・テクニックなどで検索することができるため、検索に無駄な時間を割くことをせず、エディットやクリエイティブな作業に貴重な時間をより費やす事ができます。




すべてのキーボードレジェンドが回路やアナログコンポーネントを使用しているわけではありません。V Collectionに収録されている素晴らしいアコースティック楽器とエレクトロ・アコースティック楽器を再現するために、Arturiaは最先端のフィジカルモデリング技術を採用しました。各楽器がどのように独自のサウンドを生み出しているかを分析し、高度な数学的アルゴリズムを用いてオリジナルのあらゆる側面を再現しています。


Main Features

Virtual recreation of famed classic Grampian spring reverb

Original electronic path accurately modeled, using Arturia’s state-of-the-art TAE® analog modeling

2 preamp types with their very own sonic color

8 swappable spring tanks


Multimode pre-filter

Parametric EQ

Input-Output gain link switch

Resizable window

Comprehensive set of presets

Platforms specifications


  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
  • ARM processors not supported on Windows

Required configuration

  • VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

Work with ASC

  • An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.

* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.

*NKS ready