Rev PLATE-140



The silky-smooth, resonant tones of vintage plate reverbs have shaped the sound of many iconic vocal performance, given the drums of best-selling tracks their air, and brought whole mixes together with bright, sweet overtones.

Legendary sound

There’s just something about plate reverbs that can’t be beaten. Smooth, rich tone and silky, evolving decay every single time.

Mix-ready clarity

The adjustable plates and simple but effective controls let you get exactly the reverb tone and length you want for your track.

Futuristic features

Liven up your verb with integrated chorus, and refine its tone with pre-filtering and post reverb EQ. The perfect reverb!

A true giant
of the industry

Our Rev PLATE-140 is a circuit-accurate recreation of the iconic EMT®️ 140 reverb and its vacuum tube preamp. A classic, full bodied studio plate reverb with a lush tail, a dream come true for vocals, and adding that sought-after glue and space to your mix.

The original EMT®️ 140 was breakthrough technology: the world’s first plate reverb. Brighter and more versatile than the spring reverbs and echo chambers that preceded it, this plate reverb unit became part of practically every top studio’s arsenal. It was a serious investment, costing as much as a house, and weighing more than 3 people. Now, thanks to our exclusive physical modeling technology, you can use this studio legend in your DAW, without breaking the bank, or breaking your back!

Our reimagined version lets you adjust the pre-delay to let your original sound have space, a high-pass filter on the input to hone its tone, integrated chorus, and even a post reverb EQ to make sure the effect perfectly complements your track. Rev PLATE-140 lets you filter and EQ your sound before it even hits the plate, so you can get rid of all those muddy or bright frequencies you don’t want to enjoy a lush, vintage reverb whenever you like.

A plate
for all occasions

Smooth as silk

Hear the plate in action, and understand why it has been the go-to choice for adding space and air to vocals.


Add some subtle, or not-so-subtle chorus modulation to your reverb within the plugin itself to create really

Filtered fun

Use the built-in pre-filter and post-EQ really carve out exactly the reverb sound you want, so you can simplify your effects chain.


Modern sounds and abilities exclusive to our software recreation.

Get that top-studio sound with an authentic, incredibly accurate model of the greatest, heaviest plate reverb of all time. All the tone, none of the back-ache.

Three plate models

Explore 3 unique, original plate models, each with its own unique sonic character, harmonic profile. Dampen or open them up as much as you want!

Reverb modulation

A favorite trick of top producers: add some vintage chorus to your reverb signal to give it that retro edge, and really bring it to life.

Tonal control

Get exactly the tone you want with a pre-reverb filter, a reverb 3-band EQ, and give your signal some space with pre-delay.

Experience Rev PLATE-140

Can’t wait to try it out on your own music? Why wait? Load it up, and explore this reborn legend for yourself.

  • Modelled preamp

    The vacuum-tube preamp accentuates the sweet-sounding tone of the reverb, while giving you the power to crank your signal with some dirt if you need to.

  • Plate models

    Choose your favorite plate, and adjust the reverb decay times with authentic, modelled damping.

  • Mix controls

    Add width, make it mono, and perfect your dry/wet balance to get the perfect reverb sound for your track.

  • Predelay & prefilter

    Delay how quickly the reverb starts, and carve out exactly the part of your signal you want to hit the reverb

  • Chorus

    Add some rich chorus effect to your reverb, either as a pre or post effect for some luscious tonal options.

  • Post-Eq

    A 3-band EQ lets you get things sounding just the way you want, right inside the plugin.


Included in
FX collection


このエフェクトはFX Collectionに内蔵されているものですが、ミュージシャン、プロデューサー、アーティストにクリエイティブな音楽制作を可能にする、必要不可欠なオーディオエフェクト・プラグイン集です。驚異的な高精度でモデリングされたアイコン的なレコーディング機器から最先端のコンテンポラリー・エフェクトまで、このコレクションには最も人気の高いスタジオ機材、希少なギター・ペダル、モダンなミック・スエンハンサーなどを収録しています。あなたの音楽制作をさらに向上させ、これまで以上にミックスに色彩を加えることができます。

Learn More


  • DAW対応


  • ASC

    Arturia Software Centerでは、すべてのArturiaソフトウェア・タイトルのダウンロード、整理、アップデートを管理することができます。可能な限りシンプルにまとめていきましょう。

  • リサイズ可能なGUI


  • リアルタイム・コントロール

    FX Collectionプラグインのすべてのパラメーターをお気に入りのMIDIコントローラーにマッピングすれば、ミックス時に全て手元でパラメーターをコントロールできます。フィルターをスウィープさせたり、プリアンプで大きめに増幅させたり、モジュレーションをワープさせたりなど、その場でリアルタイムでのコントロールが可能となります。

  • アプリ内チュートリアル

    FX Collectionに内蔵されているプラグインには全てチュートリアルが内蔵されており、サウンドを最大限に引き出すための重要なパラメーターやその調整方法、そしてミックスに役立つテクニックを段階的に解説しています。チュートリアル・パネルでは、使用中のパラメーターをリアルタイムに解説してくれるので、重要なポイントを見逃すこともありません。

  • Preset browser

    FX Collectionの効率的なブリセット・ブラウザでは、お気に入りのプリセットをフィルタリング、整理、登録して、すぐに呼び出すことができます。インストゥルメントの種類、ジャンル、プロダクション・テクニックなどで検索することができるため、検索に無駄な時間を割くことをせず、エディットやクリエイティブな作業に貴重な時間をより費やす事ができます。




すべてのキーボードレジェンドが回路やアナログコンポーネントを使用しているわけではありません。V Collectionに収録されている素晴らしいアコースティック楽器とエレクトロ・アコースティック楽器を再現するために、Arturiaは最先端のフィジカルモデリング技術を採用しました。各楽器がどのように独自のサウンドを生み出しているかを分析し、高度な数学的アルゴリズムを用いてオリジナルのあらゆる側面を再現しています。


Main Features

Virtual recreation of famed classic EMT 140 plate reverb

Analog tube preamp with gain compensation

3 plate models recreated


Pre-filter (highpass)

Parametric EQ

Delay modulation

Resizable window

Integrated tutorials

Comprehensive set of presets

Platforms specifications


  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
  • ARM processors not supported on Windows

Required configuration

  • VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

Work with ASC

  • An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.

* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.

*NKS ready