Comp FET-76



The phrase “industry standard” gets used a lot in music production circles, but few products actually live up the hype.

The original 1176 compressor designed by Bill Putnam Sr. truly lives up to the name. Now - thanks to Arturia’s TAE® technology - you can enjoy its legendary tone-shaping from the convenience of a software plugin.

Produced from the late 60s, the original hardware compressor was a staple of all major studios. Every mix engineer demanded at least one in a session, and they were used to shape the sound of countless hit records from Michael Jackson to The Killers, Guns n Roses to Joe Cocker, Bruce Springsteen to Chaka Khan. You won’t have to settle for just one, though; with Comp FET-76, you can load up one of these classic compressors on as many channels as you want.

A fantastic all-rounder for both compressing and heating up your tone, Comp FET-76 is a must-have plugin.

People often say the 1176 “just makes things sound better”, but how does it do it? Our engineers carefully analyzed and modelled every component, electronics nuance, and quirk in the data of an original D/E model to find out, and recreate it as software. The combination of the Field Effect Transistor, the “Class A” amplifier, and its unique design imparts a subtle, but very desirable tonal change even at very low compression levels.

Crank the input, patch in higher ratio, or even go “all in”, and that FET magic really comes alive. We didn’t simply create a software clone, we created a truly modern compressor with updated features, but featuring the same legendary sound.

What’s so special
about Comp FET-76?

All of the tone, all of the dynamic-shaping power, but with the convenience and versatility of software.

While a rack full of hardware FET compressors is a dream setup for many, that sort of setup is confined to only the world’s top studios. However, thanks to Arturia’s award-winning skill and heritage of breathing new life into vintage equipment, and reimagining it as software, you can now live out your fantasies, and make the famous 1176 sound part of your creative setup.

The perfect vocal compressor

The Comp FET-76 characteristic tone imparts an interesting flavor to this live acoustic guitar and vocal track.

Backing vocal control

It’s easy to use, and super effective. Keep everything under control, and make mixing a piece of cake.

Side-Chain Power

Discover the power of Arturia’s Advanced Side-chain panel with this rythmic track. The Chord movement is triggered by the 808 Kick, while the original FET-76 tone colors the rhythm section.

Add unique tone

“All buttons” ratio mode nicely blended with the original track using the included Mix parallel compression. The kick is also preserved using the Side chain High Pass Filter.

Saturated “all in” mode

Want to spice up a drum loop with analog saturation? Easy! Go “all in”, push the famed “All Buttons” ratio mode, and enjoy!

Subtle when needed

Using a little bit of Side-chain EQ and Time Warp snap, this acoustic guitar has its low-mid spectrum under control using the FET-76.

A legend reborn
for the 21st century

While there’s no doubt the original hardware FET compressor is practically faultless, we couldn’t help but imagine what modern production tricks we could conjure from it.

One of the benefits of recreating a classic is that we have been able to add some subtle but powerful new features that truly make this a compressor fit for the modern studio, without altering its legendary tone.

The top panel of the interface gives you access to all of the original controls. You can click to expand the plugin to and access its advanced, new features.




01. Input-output Link

Rather than the now standard “threshold” parameter, the original hardware compressor made you crank the input to engage the effect. This will obviously give you volume boosts and alter levels in your mix, but you can simply hit the “link” button to keep volume levelled as you boost the input, so you get compressed sound with steady volume.

02. Advanced Sidechain Control

Ever wondered what sidechaining a legendary FET compressor would sound like? Spoilers: it sounds awesome. The advanced panel gives you access to contemporary sidechain controls with SSL-style EQ, as well as mid-side processing so you can carve exactly the sound you want to control the compressor.

03. Let’s do the Time Warp

Because we’re working in the digital domain, it’s easy to introduce a couple of milliseconds of pre-delay without you even noticing. The “Time Warp” function lets you take advantage of this, so you can get creative with your placement of the compression envelope as it engages and releases. This is a dream come true for experimental producers and sound designers!


Included in
FX collection


このエフェクトはFX Collectionに内蔵されているものですが、ミュージシャン、プロデューサー、アーティストにクリエイティブな音楽制作を可能にする、必要不可欠なオーディオエフェクト・プラグイン集です。驚異的な高精度でモデリングされたアイコン的なレコーディング機器から最先端のコンテンポラリー・エフェクトまで、このコレクションには最も人気の高いスタジオ機材、希少なギター・ペダル、モダンなミック・スエンハンサーなどを収録しています。あなたの音楽制作をさらに向上させ、これまで以上にミックスに色彩を加えることができます。

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  • DAW対応


  • ASC

    Arturia Software Centerでは、すべてのArturiaソフトウェア・タイトルのダウンロード、整理、アップデートを管理することができます。可能な限りシンプルにまとめていきましょう。

  • リサイズ可能なGUI


  • リアルタイム・コントロール

    FX Collectionプラグインのすべてのパラメーターをお気に入りのMIDIコントローラーにマッピングすれば、ミックス時に全て手元でパラメーターをコントロールできます。フィルターをスウィープさせたり、プリアンプで大きめに増幅させたり、モジュレーションをワープさせたりなど、その場でリアルタイムでのコントロールが可能となります。

  • アプリ内チュートリアル

    FX Collectionに内蔵されているプラグインには全てチュートリアルが内蔵されており、サウンドを最大限に引き出すための重要なパラメーターやその調整方法、そしてミックスに役立つテクニックを段階的に解説しています。チュートリアル・パネルでは、使用中のパラメーターをリアルタイムに解説してくれるので、重要なポイントを見逃すこともありません。

  • Preset browser

    FX Collectionの効率的なブリセット・ブラウザでは、お気に入りのプリセットをフィルタリング、整理、登録して、すぐに呼び出すことができます。インストゥルメントの種類、ジャンル、プロダクション・テクニックなどで検索することができるため、検索に無駄な時間を割くことをせず、エディットやクリエイティブな作業に貴重な時間をより費やす事ができます。




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Main Features

Virtual recreation of famed classic tube compressor

Original tube electronic path accurately modeled, using Arturia’s state-of-the-art TAE® analog modeling

Original ultra fast attack & release parameters down to 20 microseconds

"All Buttons" British mode ratio for explosive sound

Additional Arturia creative side-chain features:

  • External side-chain source to trigger the compressor to an external source
  • 5 creative detection mode, including M/S processing
  • Advanced Side-chain EQ
  • Monitor Side-chain signal directly
  • Compression range parameter to limit the amount of gain reduction applied, with 0dB position for FET-76 with no compression/distorsion only sound
  • Monitor Side-chain signal directly

Dry/wet Mix knob for parallel compression

Input-Output gain link switch

Switchable Analog VU meter with 3 calibrations mode (-18dBFs, -12dBS, -8 dBFs)

Analog clipping LED indicator

Comprehensive set of presets

A/B comparison setting

Integrated tutorials and unique dynamic preset tips

Resizable window

State-of-the-art TAE® analog modeling

Platforms specifications


  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
  • ARM processors not supported on Windows

Required configuration

  • VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

Work with ASC

  • An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.

* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.

*NKS ready