Update 5.0
Sampling, granular, and beyond.
Just when you thought you'd seen it all, MicroFreak evolves once more. The V5 firmware introduces user sample importing, a sample playback engine, 3 new granular engines, enhanced envelopes, and more - for free.
Wanna know how to load samples into your MicroFreak, manipulate the granular engines, and get those envelopes sounding snappy? Check out the video tutorial:
Download nowSample Import & Playback
That’s right: MicroFreak can now do samples!
Import your own samples, play them back, and loop them for classic sampled textures with a Freaky twist. Samples can be up to 24 seconds long in 16-bit / 32kHz / mono format, with a total of 3.5 minutes’ worth of total sample storage space.
Granular Engines
3 granular engines for wild audio manipulation
Going a step further, MicroFreak’s V5 firmware will introduce Scan Grains, Cloud Grains, and Hit Grains, 3 new engines that explore slices, textures, and impacts via granular manipulation of your imported samples.
Keyboard Random Source
Using the Preset Utility settings, you can now transform your keyboard as a sample-and-hold-style modulation source; every time a key is pressed, it’ll generate a random bipolar value for unpredictable modulation that responds to your playing.
Snappy Envelopes
Again via the Preset Utility settings, you can now access even shorter attack values with MicroFreak’s envelopes, perfect for gritty, crackling, razor-sharp percussive sounds.
More Presets
What would a firmware update be without more presets? MicroFreak now has over 300 factory presets, with an expanded 512 total preset slots.

How to prepare
MicroFreak firmware update
Updating your firmware is quick and simple. Check out our step-by-step guide right here.
More info