It all started when two engineering students, Frédéric Brun and Gilles Pommereuil, met at the INPG, Grenoble Institute of Technology, in France. Both were part of the University Symphony Orchestra, as violinist and conductor respectively.
Frédéric and Gilles shared a vision; that technology could open the world of music creation to everyone.
They saw music and sound as a universe full of creative possibilities, waiting to be explored. So they set off in pursuit of inspiration, founding Arturia in Grenoble in 1999.
“We wanted to use technology as an opportunity to create simple and accessible products for music production.”
Frederic Brun

While Arturia debuted as a software company, the temptation to venture into hardware grew around 2004/2005.
"Musicians were still hesitant to take computers on stage at that time, and many were coming to us, requesting hardware instruments that would embed our algorithms known as TAE®."
Gilles Pommereuil
This is how our first ambitious hardware synthesizer, Origin, was born - allowing users to combine elements of our classic synth emulations in their own configuration.
In the years that followed, it was clear that there was increasing demand for more hands-on hardware, more comprehensive software, and better harmony between them.
Meeting the challenge on all fronts, releases like the tactile Brutes, the streamlined Analog Lab software, and the articulate KeyLabs catered to creatives across the spectrum.
Arturia is now in a strategic position between hardware and software, offering new ways to learn, create, and play, empowering musicians and allowing them to seamlessly move from one to the other. This balance was, and remains, a cornerstone of our strategy.

The first steps
into music exploration
Music production
made easy
Arturia’s heritage over the last twenty years has been to provide the best vintage sound combined with modern production capabilities.
We’ve worked to design instruments and effects which both inspire and simplify creativity. We’ve patented new technologies and partnered with world-class sound designers to create a library of thousands of sounds for music makers to explore and employ.
Now our expansive product range spans everything from playful MIDI controllers, to semi-modular monster synthesizers, to all-encompassing studio interfaces.
An all-encompassing line-up committed to enabling musicians, producers, composers, and creators of all persuasions to make the best music they can make, with the professional quality they deserve.
Now we're more driven than ever in our pursuit of the ultimate music-making experience.
The Sound
At Arturia we think of music as a universe made for exploration, where technology allows everyone to explore the world of music creation.
Our role is to offer the most intuitive musical experiences -
To aid you on your creative journey -
So you can aim beyond your horizons -
And discover your own sound -
We are all united by the same passion -
We are all on a creative journey of our own -
Musicians, producers, engineers, performers, enthusiasts -
“We are the Sound Explorers.“
Explore our ranges
We blaze the trails of
your musical journey
We want to offer the most intuitive music-making experiences helping everyone explore and create their own sound.
Human centered engineering
Creating intuitive music-making experience is our ‘raison d’être’. We use all the knowledge of our passionate engineers to keep our product grounded, easy and practical. Driven by the same spirit as our users, all our products are engineered with a human-centric approach.
Sound excellence
From the very beginning of our history we aimed to recreate the most iconic sounds in the purest way. We tirelessly strive to offer our users the best-in-class products. Dedicated to our mission, we strongly believe that sound is a matter of excellence.
Playful experiences
Play is at the heart of who we are and what we do. Music is about the joy of exploring and we try every day to make the journey as playful as the destination. Because we believe music creation is and must continue to be for everyone.
Empowering creativity
We work hard to bring you faithful and innovative instruments that will spark your creativity. We refuse the status quo and commoditization. We are audacious pioneers, we are bold inventors and we dare to create breakthrough music experiences.
the Team
Meet the people
From the beginning, Arturia has been committed to offering the highest quality products, affordable and simple solutions, and the best experiences for users. Arturia is organized into a number of key departments, with teams of passionate, creative, and forward-thinking individuals, working in harmony to achieve the excellence that sound explorers deserve.
Meet the team