in imperfection
Take any beat, sound, or project, and instantly inject beautiful nostalgic flavor and endless vibes.
Pitchy flutters, subtle distortion, warm saturation, velvety smooth filtered sounds; Tape MELLO-FI captures the uniquely imperfect behavior of tape in perfect detail, distilled into a single plugin that you’ll always come back to.
One-stop lo-fi toolkit
With a simple interface that’s straight out of a classic studio, Tape MELLO-FI provides all your lo-fi needs within seconds, from subtle analog fatness to dizzy pitch flutters. Lush, fat, and crunchy, all-in-one.
Vibes for any instrument
Whether you want to make your keys & pads shine, give your vocals depth, or saturate your whole mix vintage-style, Tape MELLO-FI delivers. Use it on any track or project and let the chill commence.
Retro tape warmth
Tape MELLO-FI isn’t just a one-trick lo-fi pony. Use its vintage preamp, built-in low-pass & high-pass filters, and subtle tape noise to breathe old-school life and magic studio mojo into your projects.
Real enhancements
This vintage-flavor plugin has been tailored to modern producers’ needs. From gritty distortion, to instant-response tape behavior, to the super-satisfying stereo widener, this tape machine is right up to speed.
More than
an authentic tape plugin
Tape used to be the default way to record audio, degrading with every playback in a way that’s become synonymous with its sound.
Now producers, beat-makers, and sound designers actively search for that crunchy, noisy, imperfect sound to give their production character and attitude. With Tape MELLO-FI, that search is over.
Inspired by iconic tape-based instruments that truly pioneered ‘that’ sound, this plugin is expertly-engineered to not just sound like tape; it behaves like tape too. From the uncanny wows and flutters, to a tape wheel that you can actually click on and interact with, Tape MELLO-FI gives you the bold, unmistakably aged character of a worn out magnetic tape right in your DAW.

Try it out

a closer look
This feature-packed tape emulator has plenty of sonic tricks up its sleeve. Here’s a more in-depth look at its interface and the features that make it stand out from the crowd.
Tape MELLO-FI strips away any limitations and swaps them for enhancements that are essential to a modern production workflow. From its crispy built-in distortion to the larger-than-life stereo widener, your lo-fi prayers have been answered.

Apply distortion with the Drive control, boost the signal going into the preamp section with the dedicated switch for subtle crunchy clipping, alter the shape and color of your tape’s sound with Tone, and of course introduce that much-loved grain texture with the essential Noise control.
Replicate the gradual slow-down behavior of stopping tape playback, but with tempo-sync options ranging from 8 bars to a 1/4 bar. You can even click on the spinning reel for glitchy real-time tape effects.
Customize the character of your tape reel to taste. Flutter and Wow introduce fast and slow pitch fluctuations respectively, while Wear simulates the sound of degraded tape. The Mechanics control even brings in some actual mechanical noise for that retro machine vibe.
Tilt this control left to introduce a rich 12dB low-pass filter, or tilt it to the right for a crisp 12dB high-pass, giving you just the right amount of sound-shaping flexibility. Ideal for a quick mix fix or a sweeping creative effect.
The sound
of the Mellotron
The Mellotron, introduced in 1963, was a keyboard that had a tape playback mechanism under every key. Tape MELLO-FI’s sound and behavior is inspired by Mellotron V, our software recreation of this legendary instrument.
The original Mellotron’s tape-based functionality put orchestral sounds into the hands of keyboardists in a way that was previously unthinkable. This functionality revolutionized music as we know it, and its influence is still felt to this day.
The combination of tape reels, analog circuitry, and aging over time gave the Mellotron a distinct sound. Fluttering, grainy, compressed; these qualities have become an endearing part of the ‘Tron sound. Now they’re yours to use on whatever sound you want.
Nosaj Thing
meets Tape MELLO-FI
Whether he’s producing some of the most renowned pioneers in hip hop and electronic music, crafting deeply emotive instrumental albums, Nosaj Thing only finds the inspiration he’s looking for by getting lost in it.
Lire le récitLo-fi
& tape presets
When we say ‘in a few clicks’, we mean it.
When you’re in your flow, you need instant results - that’s why Tape MELLO-FI has every flavor of lo-fi and retro lusciousness inside.
Wide Wow
Melancholy Pigments keys become enhanced with the "Wide Wow" preset using Stereo Width, mechanical noise and flutter to add a lo-fi grain and dramatic effect.
Gritty Synth Disto
Funky bass loop with a clean character gets amped up with the "Gritty Synth Disto" preset.
Lo-fi Quiver
Smooth piano sample gets transformed by flutter, noise and mechanical noise - stemming from the first preset "Lo-Fi Quiver".
Inclus dans
FX collection
Des effets vraiment utiles
Cet effet fait partie de la FX Collection, une suite logicielle d’effets offrant la possibilité aux musiciens et artistes d’être plus créatif. Elle contient de précieux outils pour votre studio, qu’il s’agisse de pédales de guitare très rares, d’enregistreurs à bande de légende, ou d’effets modernes pour l’amélioration de vos mixages. Perfectionnez et ajoutez de la couleur à vos créations comme vous ne l’avez jamais fait auparavant.
Plus d’infos
Toutes les fonctionnalités
dont vous avez besoin
Quelle que soit la façon dont vous utilisez ces plug-ins, que ce soit pour le formidable son de leur réverbe, l’aspect abrasif de leurs préamplis ou leurs exceptionnelles capacités de design sonore, vous pouvez être sûr qu’ils seront pleinement compatibles avec votre configuration. Ils fonctionnent dans toutes les principales STAN sur Windows et MacOS.
L’Arturia Software Center vous sert à télécharger, organiser et mettre à jour tous vos logiciels d’Arturia au même endroit, ou encore à gérer toutes vos licences sur plusieurs appareils. Plus c’est simple, mieux c’est.
Que diriez-vous d’une immersion visuelle totale dans nos émulations d’effets historiques ? À moins que vous ne préfériez économiser le précieux espace sur votre écran ? Les interfaces de tous les instruments virtuels d’Arturia peuvent être redimensionnées à la taille qui vous convient.
Tous les paramètres des plug-ins de la FX Collection peuvent être assignés à votre contrôleur MIDI préféré pour vous permettre de piloter votre projet du bout des doigts. Balayez un filtre, poussez un préampli ou façonnez votre modulation à la volée.
Tous les plug-ins de la FX Collection intègrent des tutoriels détaillant les paramètres et les réglages clés. Vous y trouverez même des astuces de mixage pour obtenir le meilleur son possible. La section dédiée aux tutoriels vous présente également les commandes que vous utilisez en temps réel ; vous saurez donc à chaque instant ce que vous faites.
Le navigateur de presets de la FX Collection vous permet de chercher, organiser et sauvegarder facilement vos presets favoris pour les rappeler dès que vous en avez besoin. Triez-les par type d’instrument, genre musical, technique de production, etc. Vous trouverez ainsi rapidement les réglages qu’il vous faut et profiterez de ce temps gagné pour être encore plus créatif !
True Analog Emulation
TAE® "True Analog Emulation" is Arturia's exclusive technology that accurately reproduces the defining sonic qualities of analog synthesizers. It recreates the characteristics of analog oscillators in amazing detail, transparency and clarity, as well as the exact properties of the analog filters that give each classic instrument its unique sound. Soft clipping adds even more punch and presence.
Modélisation physique
Mais tous ces claviers mythiques n’emploient pas nécessairement de circuits électroniques ou de composants analogiques. Pour recréer les fabuleux instruments acoustiques et électro-acoustiques de la V Collection, Arturia a utilisé une technologie de modélisation physique ultra-moderne. En analysant la façon dont chaque instrument produit ses sonorités singulières, nos ingénieurs ont employé des algorithmes mathématiques poussés qui simulent chaque aspect de l’instrument original.
Main Features
- Authentic tape emulator & lo-fi effect based on Mellotron V’s vintage sound & behavior
- Includes classic tape controls like Noise, Flutter, Wow, Wear, and Mechanics
- Introduces useful features like Distortion and Boost
- Interactive tape wheel with tempo-synchronized Tape Stop feature and optional Instant Tape Catch-up
- 12dB low-pass and high-pass filter section
- Enhanced Stereo Width feature introduces offsets to Wow & Flutter from left to right for an extra-wide sound
- Curated 25-preset library for instant-access to retro & lo-fi effects
- Apple M1 compatible
Platforms specifications
- Win 10+ (64bit)
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
- ARM processors not supported on Windows
Required configuration
- VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).

- Mac OS 11+
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Work with ASC
- An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.
* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.
*NKS ready