Modular V

El gigante de la génesis modular.

Modular V resucita al gigante que lo empezó todo, en forma de plug-in. Disfruta de la máquina que dio origen a la síntesis modular en los 60 y cambió el mundo, en todo su esplendor analógico y cuidadosamente mejorado para ir más allá de su antepasado original.

on synthesis

The legacy that introduced the synthesizer to popular music, modeled to perfection and made even more magnificent.

Nothing sounds like a modular synth, and no modular synth is like the one that made it out of the studio and onto the stage to mesmerize audiences worldwide. Modular V has been brought to life with True Analog Emulation® modeling, giving you a sound no other modern synth or plug-in can touch. Developed in partnership with the original instrument’s inventor, it lets you enjoy the same sound design madness favored by pioneers from Tangerine Dream to Trent Reznor - all from the comfort of your DAW setup.

Ultimate Flexibility

Modular V’s huge selection of modules leaves it entirely up to you what happens to the sound - connect the dots and explore a true synthesis blank canvas.

Start With Presets

New to modular? Daunted by Modular V’s myriad of connections and controls? Take a shortcut to gigantic sound with its built-in library of expertly-designed presets.

It Sounds Real Because It Is

You don’t have to choose between the sound of hardware and the convenience of software. Modular V captures everything that made the original so satisfying to work with.

Go Offroad

Enjoy every unexpected result and get inspired with every tweak - Modular V is designed to encourage experimentation and total creative freedom.

with vogue

Electronic music synthesis captivated Wendy Carlos, Keith Emerson, Tangerine Dream, and even The Beatles. Early Modular systems from a beloved inventor are why.

Dr. Bob Moog is virtually synonymous with synthesizers. It was his modular designs — and a little help from his friends — that took synthesis out of the realm of esoterica and made it a popular tool for composers and performers across all musical styles.

A New Yorker born in 1934 with a background in piano, he produced Theremins in the 1950s after being impressed with Leon Theremin’s touchless instrument. Upon meeting composer Herb Deutsch, the two immediately hit it off and their collaboration produced the first voltage-controlled oscillator. Their first modular synth followed in 1964 and was the talk of the Audio Engineering Society convention. The influx of orders led to new modular systems, culminating in the I, II, and III in 1967.

Discover the history of Modular


Modular V’s user interface is a tower of power.

Modular systems often spanned multiple cabinets. Modular V is so realistic that it does, too. Inspired by the largest offerings of the original maker, it combines historically authentic layout with the modern ergonomics you need.






01. Patch It Like a Pro

Simply drag from one patch point to another to make cable connections. Destinations that work are highlighted in red.

02. Oscillator Army

Build thick, earth-shaking timbres with nine oscillators plus three Driver oscillators.

03. Truly Modular

Modules include all the audio and control signal jacks found on the originals and you can even “mult” cables in a single jack. Get as simple or as complicated as you want.

04. Swap ’Em Out

Select and configure a variety of filter, envelope, and modulation source modules across the top cabinet.

05. Bodes Well

Module choices include classic 24dB ladder as well as multimode filters, and even the rare and oft-misunderstood Bode Frequency Shifter.

Gone Modern

Go everywhere a hardware modular can – and a few places it can’t.

Needless to say, we’d be crazy not to take advantage of all the things it’s easier to do in software. We pumped up Modular V with features that fit it right into computer-based music workflows, while preserving all the best aspects of the modular experience.







01. MIDI Modular!

A modular synth where every control can respond to MIDI? Not on the classics. Not on today’s Euroracks. Only here.

02. Poly Pandemonium

Modulars were mainly played monophonically. Make Modular V poly with this switch — or multiply its oscillators with Unison mode.

03. Breadcrumbs

It’s challenging to pick up where you left off with hardware modulars. With Undo/Redo and Undo History, your sound design is safe and available in an instant.

04. X/Y Controllers

Two X/Y joystick controllers have patchable inputs for each axis. Of course they’re MIDI assignable, adding even more real-time performance control.

05. Standalone Volume Envelopes

Need quick volume envelopes with no patching required? We’ve built them right into Modular V to speed up your modular flow.

06. These Followers are Leaders

With four independent and patchable key followers, a run up or down the keyboard can produce complex musical results.

Hear it
in action

Like we said, modular synthesis can take you anywhere and Modular V can do it quickly. Here are just some of the places our artists and sound designers have gone. Where will you go?

Initialize Timbal

Dale's Demo

Dale Ong

A short demo sent by Dale Ong, from the USA, who worked for Bob Moog in the 80's. It was recorded (rendered in Sonar actually) using just 6 tracks, all Modular V with no external processing.

Me and Mgy V2

Ambient Field

Prats aka Patrick Wiklacz, krautrock and psychedelic style.

Demo Song by Mitsuru Sakau

Mitsuru Sakau

A Modular V demo song inspired by Isao Tomita, Claus Shulze, and Keith Emerson who is Mitsuru's idol. Many thanks to Mitsuru Sakaue


Mateo Lupo

Inspired from the choral piece of Chariots of Fire (Vangelis).

Modular Funk

Jean-Michel Blanchet

A piece of funk music.

Fabrice Gabriel's Dreams

Fabrice Gabriel

This song was made with several instances of the Modular V, drums and a shaker. The only added effect is compression to limit extra dynamics, and sometimes eqs in the high frequencies to add some air to the sound.

Brandenburg Concerto

Gil Sicuro

A fragment of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, 1st movement. Only one instance of Modular V was used, rendering track by track of a total of 22 audio tracks. No external EQ, compression or FX were used the sound is right as it comes from the Modular V

Travesia Sagrada 01

Jose Luis Suazo

Song made with Modular V and samples of sounds of the nature park in HONDURAS.



  • Computer Music

    On Modular V

    “This is truly a no-compromise, no ifs, ands or buts. It's also an absolutely rock solid application. All of our little complaints aside, the boys at Arturia have achieved a milestone here. This simply doesn't sound like software!”

  • Mac Addict

    On Modular V

    “One of the most daunting monsters of analog synthesizers, the venerable Mg Modular, has been brought to glorious life in Arturia Software's stunning Modular V. This one of the best-sounding software emulations of a piece of hardware.”

  • Mac Format

    On Modular V

    “The Arturia Modular V is the most authentic analog synth emulation we have ever heard. It looks and sounds just like the real thing. [Editor's Choice]”

  • Remix

    On Modular V

    “The Modular V is a powerhouse that models the old hardware to a tee, producing rich and beautiful tones that compare favorably to a real Mg system. If you're looking for a top-quality software synth that really does sound like the analog hardware it claims to emulate, look no further than Arturia's Modular V. This powerful tool is good enough for Bob Moog, and I'll wager it's good enough for you, too.”

  • Future Music

    On Modular V

    “Arturia bring an unobtainable synth to the masses. It's powerful, easy to use and totally addictive. (Platinum Award)”

  • MusicTech

    On Modular V

    “The Modular V offers the sounds and programmability of the original, plus the powerful extras of modern technology such as MIDI, presets and polyphony. Outstanding!”

  • Raveline

    On Modular V

    “The Modular V sounds noble, warm and full of pressure like no other synthesizer available on the market.”

  • Recording

    On Modular V

    “The Modular V software is an absolute bargain piece of software, especially in light of the ultra-high prices of the real hardware [...]. Its great audio quality, flexible patching and interesting performance options are bringing a new level to audio.”

  • Electronic Musician

    On Modular V

    “Endorsed by Bob Moog himself, Modular V probably comes as close as any software to re-creating complex analog synthesizer hardware, and it does it on a large scale. It runs standalone or as a plug-in for a variety of formats.”

  • Sound On Sound

    On Modular V

    “With the audio quality from soft synths such as Arturia's Modular V being so good, is there any longer a need to worry about replacing hardware with software?”

  • Sound On Sound

    On Modular V

    “A software recreation of the famous Mg Modular systems, MMV has an authentic tone, a nice user interface and really brings out your creativity. [...] this is a very well-behaved piece of software that is also enormous fun.”

Included in
V collection

Legendary Keyboards Reinvented

This instrument is also part of the V Collection -your complete dream line-up of the legendary synths, organs, pianos and more that made keyboard history. They’re modeled with the most advanced technologies for authentic realism, and enhanced with new creative options. Whether you use it as DAW plugins in the studio or standalone at gigs, V Collection puts the greatest keys of all time at your fingertips for instant inspiration.

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Las características

  • Tutoriales integrados en la app

    Los tutoriales integrados en la app te guían en todos los aspectos del instrumento, desde parámetros individuales hasta consejos de nuestros diseñadores de sonido, para que te puedas centrar en la parte creativa. Cuesta creer que resulte tan fácil, pero así es.

  • ASC

    Arturia Software Center te permite descargar, organizar y actualizar todo tu software de Arturia desde el mismo sitio, además de gestionar tus licencias en varios dispositivos. Así de sencillo.

  • Listos para tu DAW

    Nuestros instrumentos virtuales y plugins están diseñados para integrarse fácilmente en tu estudio. Sea cual sea tu estilo, podrás explorar los sonidos y disfrutar de total compatibilidad con los principales DAW, tanto en Windows como en MacOS.

  • Explorador de presets

    Encuentra al instante el sonido que tienes en mente gracias a la exploración inteligente y optimizada de presets. Busca con palabras clave, explora por tipo de instrumento, estilo musical, etc… Hasta puedes guardar tus presets favoritos para acceder rápidamente a ellos más adelante.

  • Interfaz gráfica redimensionable

    Tanto si buscas las inmersión visual completa de nuestras emulaciones de instrumentos clásicos como si prefieres ocupar el menor espacio en pantalla, las interfaces de todos tus instrumentos virtuales Arturia se pueden redimensionar a la escala que mejor te vaya.

  • Integración perfecta

    Los instrumentos vienen preasignados de forma natural para la gama de controladores Arturia KeyLab, aunque también funcionarán estupendamente con otros controladores MIDI. Macros para alterar los sonidos al instante, integración sencilla con tu DAW y funcionamiento autónomo.

Basado en TAE®

La tecnología exclusiva de modelado analógico que hace que nuestras emulaciones sean indistinguibles de los originales.

Al imitar con precisión las características de los osciladores analógicos, los filtros y el recorte suave, podemos conseguir un asombroso detalle a nivel de componentes y el auténtico sabor analógico a partes iguales.

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Main Features

All the parameters of the original modular synth:

  • 9 oscillators
  • 2 LFOs
  • 3 filter slots
  • 1 Noise Generator
  • 6 envelopes
  • 2 VCAs

16 auxiliary VCAs with modulation inputs

24-step sequencer

1 filter bank (14 bandwidths available)

Stereo delay and chorus

12-stage phaser and ring modulator

Very accurate reproduction of the legendary 24dB/octave low-pass filter

Superb audio quality withTAE® engine

More than 500 presets, made by professional sound designers

Mono / polyphonic (up to 64 voices per instrument)

Soft-clipping function

Platform specifications


  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Procesador de 4 núcleos a 3,4 GHz (4,0 GHz en modo Turbo)
  • 3 GB de espacio libre en disco
  • Gráfica compatible con OpenGL 2.0
  • No funciona con procesadores ARM en Windows

Configuración mínima

  • Funciona de forma autónoma y como VST, AAX, Audio Unit y NKS (únicamente en DAW de 64-bits).


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Procesador de 4 núcleos, 3,4 GHz (4,0 GHz en modo Turbo) o procesador M1
  • 3 GB de espacio libre en disco
  • Gráfica compatible con OpenGL 2.0

Funciona con ASC

  • Una solución elegante y sencilla para instalar, activar y actualizar tus instrumentos virtuales de Arturia.

Todos los nombres de fabricantes y productos mencionados en esta página son marcas comerciales de sus respectivos titulares, que de ninguna manera están asociados o afiliados con Arturia. Las marcas comerciales de otros fabricantes se usan únicamente para identificar los productos de aquellos fabricantes cuyas características y sonido se estudiaron durante el desarrollo. Todos los nombres de equipos, inventores y fabricantes se han incluido únicamente con fines ilustrativos y educativos, y no sugieren ninguna afiliación ni respaldo por parte de ningún inventor o fabricante de equipos.