For decades, the concept of pop music was synonymous with Trident® Studios, the pioneering facility in the heart of London’s Soho district.
Their client list reads like a who’s who of pop: The Beatles, Elton John, David Bowie, the Bee Gees, Genesis, Frank Zappa, Joe Cocker, Kiss, Lou Reed, Peter Gabriel, Marc Almond, Soft Cell, Queen, the Rolling Stones, Thin Lizzy, Tina Turner, T-Rex, and Yes.
At the heart of the studio’s sound was the Trident® A Range® console.
It became so well known for its gorgeous, musical EQ and the full, rich tone it imparted soon, studios around the world were placing orders for an A Range® of their own. Although only 13 were ever made, they created a legacy that continues to this day.
Now, thanks to Arturia’s groundbreaking True Analog Emulation® technology, you too can experience the incredible sound-shaping power of the legendary Trident® A Range® preamp and EQ.
The best of
both worlds
“Hold on… my audio interface already has preamps. Why do I need a preamp plugin? ”
You’re right! Your audio interface uses its preamps to boost incoming signals to usable levels for recording and mixing.
In the digital age, the preamps included on audio interfaces tend to be highly transparent, amplifying the signal without adding “color”, a sort of tonal flavor that subtly changes the sound.
In the 60s and 70s, a period many consider to be the “golden age” of the recording studio, the preamps within their bespoke mixing consoles - like the Trident® A range - were pioneering technology. Mix engineers found that, due to their analog components, the preamps would add a certain character to the audio, which gave each desk, and consequently each studio, a particular “sound”.
As engineers became experts with these consoles, they would use the preamps as part of their creative process; pushing them hard to create harmonically rich analog distortion, for example.
Now, thanks to the digital audio revolution and the power of modern computers, you can enjoy the best of both worlds.
The Arturia Pre TridA lets you add the iconic tone of the elite, rare, virtually unobtainable preamps found in the studios that created some of the biggest hits of all time.
Adding that
“je ne sais quoi”
It’s difficult to let new producers and mix engineers know just how important the subtle sound-shaping power of preamps are, we’re talking about something understated.
It’s not a flashy synth or an extreme audio-mangling plug-in. At their core, all of our preamp plugins provide 2 main benefits. That’s what we think, anyway.
How you decide to use Pre TridA is up to you. You may just love the way the EQ sounds, and use it as your go-to plugin for sound shaping. We are providing the paint, but you make the art.
A link to the past
There’s something quite magical about hearing classic songs. If you let your mind drift, you’re transported to a totally different time: different fashion, different politics, different tastes, different lives. If you want to evoke the feeling of the 70s or 80s, when the Trident® A Range® console was used on practically every chart hit, Pre TridA makes it easy. Added to individual tracks in your song, you can add that toasty, harmonic, saturated sound that typified the era.
Mixing confidence
Load up Pre TridA as an “insert” effect on channel, dial in an appropriate preset, and most of the hard work has been taken care of. You’ll now be mixing with the sound of a classic analog console, with the parameters set up by a top sound designer. Now you’re free to get creative, safe in the knowledge that you have half a century of legendary pro audio heritage supporting you.
the code
The channel strips found in the Trident® A Range® consoles are considered to be gold dust, available only to the finest producers and engineers at the peak of their careers.
We have built our reputation by recreating history’s best, most coveted keyboards and synths as software instruments. What better way to carry on this legacy than by bringing the most sought-after studio hardware right to your DAW? Although it would have been quite simple to just create a plugin that sounded similar to the famous Trident® A Range® channel strip, we didn’t want to give you an approximation of the sound. We wanted to create a virtual replica of the hardware so you could enjoy all the subtle nuances that made the original the go-to choice for the biggest producers and engineers of the last 50 years.
Finding a Trident® A Range® console was no simple feat - only 13 were ever created, after all - and our search led us to Denmark’s capital city, Copenhagen, and to Sweet Silence North.
The musical residence of Grammy award-winning producer Flemming Rasmussen, whose critically acclaimed work with metal acts like Metallica, Morbid Angel, Blind Guardian, and Ensiferum hinged on the use of his Trident® A Range® console. To create Pre TridA, we analyzed channel 3 of his 1976 mixing console, creating a sophisticated model, right down to the level of individual components.
Through the passion and skill of our developers, we are able to bring you the elusive ‘secret ingredient’ behind so many incredible hits as a software plugin. It’s official: we are living in the future.
an industry legend
Pre TridA gives you all the power and features of the fabled Trident® A Range®, and more! Let’s take a look at how this elite channel strip translates as a plugin.
The fantastically musical A Range® EQ has been recreated in all its glory. The high, high-mid, low-mid, and low EQ bands have 4 switchable frequencies, calibrated to match the original unit’s specification. These can be cut or boosted by 15dB independently on the left and right channels, or linked together. This gives you great freedom to shape your sound in a stereo space.
Notch out the high end at 9kHz, 12kHz, 15kHz, or hit 2 or 3 switches to make more dramatic chance, this will soften the high frequencies of your signal.
From super-subtle overtones to growling solid-state drive, the Input Gain knob can be pushed to add whatever tonal flavor you desire.
Carve out the super-low frequencies from your signal, with cuts placed at 25Hz, 50Hz, and 100Hz. Like the Low Pass, you can also combine 2 or 3 switches for a stronger effect.
Missing on the original A Range®, Pre TridA lets you use advanced mid/side techniques without external processing or convertors, meaning your audio will sound amazing in both mono and stereo.
Simple, but always useful. The output trim lets you adjust the “master volume” of the output without changing its tone.
It’s fair to say that in the 50 years since unit #3392 was built, the music industry has seen some changes. To bring this legend up to date, we’ve also included some optional enhancements to make the most of your DAW.
To top it all off, we even recreated the vintage style of the interface in a glorious, high-definition GUI. Every aspect of the Pre 1973 has been meticulously put together, ready to take your music to the next level.
- Automatic gain control intelligently alters the output volume based on the changes you make to the input gain.
- Continuous controls, rather than stepped, for extra creative precision.
- Switchable transformers, letting you choose between the original Carnill and the modified Marinair components, so you can easily choose which hardware voicing sounds best on your signal.
- Self contained mid/side mode, so you don’t need to use additional convertors to use this advanced studio technique, your audio will sound amazing in both mono and stereo.
Hear it
for yourself
We can write about our revolutionary Pre TridA and the glorious original Trident® channel strip until the cows come home, but we think you’ll be more convinced by hearing it in action.
Having a world-class preamp emulation and EQ may seem like a small, almost insignificant addition to your software studio, but knowing that you’re honing the sound of your audio channels with a time-tested signal path will give you confidence, and make mixing easier than ever. Here are some audio examples, letting you hear the subtle, and not so subtle tonal changes that Pre TridA can make to audio signals.
To best appreciate these examples, we would recommend that you use high quality headphones or studio monitors when listening.
Want to try it on your own audio? Remember that you can download a free trial of the plugin so you can experience it in your own setup.
Pre TridA is a winner for pop-rock vocals, enhancing breath and air from this female singer.
Adding mid frequency presence to this elaborate drum loop, easy! Just push the low mid frequency gain fader…
This example demonstrates the capacity of the Pre TridA equalizer on this rock guitar riff.
Pop-Rock legend Pre TridA applied on good old 909 drum loop, giving it a nice crunchy edge.
In this exemple the Pre TridA is used to give a closer and intimate feel to the voice and guitar, while adding a nice mid-high frequency edge.
A subtle clarity and presence added to this natural fingerpicked guitar, also making use of little M/S processing to attenuate the room.
Included in
FX collection
Efectos que realmente querrás usar
Este efecto forma parte de la FX Collection, una colección de plugins de efectos de audio esenciales que permiten a músicos, productores y artistas expresar su creatividad en sus producciones. Desde equipos de grabación míticos modelados con una precisión asombrosa hasta efectos contemporáneos de vanguardia: la colección incluye las herramientas de estudio más deseadas, pedales de guitarra raros, realzadores modernos de mezcla y mucho más. Mejora tus producciones y añade color a tus mezclas como nunca habías podido.
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Las características
Da igual de qué forma uses estos plugins: por el tono fantástico de su reverb, por los previos llenos de textura o por sus capacidades increíbles para diseño de sonido. Tendrás la tranquilidad de saber que son totalmente compatibles con tu equipo actual. Estos plugins funcionan con los principales DAW, tanto en Windows como en MacOS.
Arturia Software Center te permite descargar, organizar y actualizar todo tu software de Arturia desde el mismo sitio, además de gestionar tus licencias en varios dispositivos. Así de sencillo.
Tanto si quieres la inmersión visual completa de nuestras emulaciones de efectos clásicos como si prefieres ocupar el menor espacio posible en pantalla, las interfaces de todos tus plugins de Arturia se pueden redimensionar al tamaño que mejor te vaya.
Todos los parámetros de cualquier plugin de la FX Collection se pueden asignar a tu controlador MIDI favorito para tener un control instantáneo y directo de tu mezcla. Haz un barrido de filtro, dale caña a un previo o transforma la modulación al momento.
Todos los plugins de la FX Collection incluyen tutoriales integrados que te guían paso a paso por los parámetros y opciones fundamentales, y te enseñan truquitos de mezcla para sacar el máximo partido de tu sonido. El panel de tutoriales también te explica los controles que estás utilizando en tiempo real para que no se te escape ni un ajuste.
El explorador simplificado de presets de la FX Collection te permite filtrar, organizar y guardar tus presets favoritos para recuperarlos al instante. Busca por tipo de instrumento, género musical, técnica de producción y mucho más: podrás encontrar rápidamente el ajuste que necesitas y ahorrar un valioso tiempo que está mejor empleado en la parte creativa.
Basado en TAE®
La tecnología exclusiva de modelado analógico que hace que nuestras emulaciones sean indistinguibles de los originales.
Al imitar con precisión las características de los osciladores analógicos, los filtros y el recorte suave, podemos conseguir un asombroso detalle a nivel de componentes y el auténtico sabor analógico a partes iguales.
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Main Features
Virtual recreation of rare and prized classic preamp
- 40 dB virtual continuous input gain
- +/- 24 dB Output trim level
Complete switchable EQ section
- Include bypass & phase Inversion switch
3 Switchable Low Pass Filters
- Cut frequency at 9kHz, 12kHz and 15kHz
- -12 dB/oct slope
- distinct filter cut combinations with unusual curves when 2 or 3 filters are combined
High Shelf Filter
- +/- 15dB gain
- 4 selectable frequencies : 8kHz, 10kHz, 12kHz, 15kHz
High Midrange Bell Filter
- +/- 15dB gain
- 4 selectable frequencies : 3kHz, 5kHz, 7kHz, 9kHz
Low Midrange Bell Filter
- +/- 15dB gain
- 4 selectable frequencies : 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz
Low Shelf Filter
- +/- 15dB gain
- 4 selectable frequencies : 50Hz, 80Hz, 100Hz, 150Hz
High Pass Filter
- Cut frequency at 25Hz, 50Hz and 100Hz
- -18dB/oct. Slope
- -distinct filter cut combinations with unusual curves when 2 or 3 filters are combined
1 & 2 channels plugin versions
3 stereo modes
- Stereo Link
- Dual Mono Channels
- Mid/side (M/S) encoding-decoding for advanced stereo processing
Output Analog VU meter
- 3 calibrations mode (-18dBFs, -12dBS, -8 dBFs)
- Analog clipping LED indicator
Comprehensive set of presets
State-of-the-art TAE® analog modeling
Platforms specifications
- Win 10+ (64bit)
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
- ARM processors not supported on Windows
Required configuration
- VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).

- Mac OS 11+
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Work with ASC
- An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.
* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.
*NKS ready