Remodelador creativo de sonido.

Efx FRAGMENTS es un efecto virtual que permite dividir, transformar y reconstruir cualquier sonido mediante el poder del procesamiento granular. Mejora al instante cualquier proyecto con imperfecciones sonoras, ambientes estéreo con textura, tonos experimentales y mucho más.

99$/99€ Comprar

Effortlessly transform,
instantly inspire

Breathe life, musicality, and character into any sound, and discover inspiring & intricate new textures.

From dramatic rhythmic stutter effects to cloudy reverb shimmers, and everything in between. Efx FRAGMENTS takes the complex concept of granular synthesis and makes it more flexible, more accessible, and more musical than ever.

Glitch & stutter

Build tension and sprinkle variety into your beats, compositions, and soundscapes with dramatic stop-start stutters, pitch-shifted fluctuations, and reality-shattering glitches. Slice sounds rhythmically or go totally off-grid for true sonic chaos.

Rhythmic variations

Efx FRAGMENTS listens to the rhythm of your track and can respond in a number of creative ways. Make every grain of sound respond to your tempo for glitchy beats, fractured rhythmic textures, flowing percussive sequences, and more.

Textural enhancement

Whether you want to add sparkling character, or just make something ‘feel’ better in a mix, immediately excite and accentuate any instrument stem, loop, or vocal part with the ethereal sound of granular processing, complete with built-in mix-ready FX.

Beauty or chaos

Whether you want musical or experimental, beautiful or chaotic, Efx FRAGMENTS can make any sound exciting, evocative, and entirely yours. Effortlessly explore and manipulate granular processing with amazing sonic results guaranteed.

Redefining ambient

Go beyond conventional reverb and delay and immerse your mixes in material ambience. Create vast shimmering clouds of sound particles, delicate cave-echo trickles, or fast-flowing spatial movement with any sound source.

Forge new timbres

Turn the smallest transient, the crunchiest sample, or the most unassuming stem into a bowed string, a grainy drum hit, or a mix-enveloping pad. By tightly weaving grains together, Efx FRAGMENTS creates texture and density in the most unexpected ways.

Dream Sequence

Shimmering Tape Pads

Fragmented Arpeggio

Granular WahWah

Sequenced Slicer

Unique Shimmer

Granular synthesis

At its most basic level, granular synthesis involves splitting a sound into parts - ‘grains’ - and using them in creative ways.

You can change the size of the grains, the amount of space between them, their pitch, their playback behavior - the list goes on.

The resulting sound is both highly recognizable and wholly unique to granular. Frozen timbres from smooth & transparent to sharp & brittle; rainfall delay that drenches any mix; dense clouds of reverberating sonic texture; cascading modulations that turn a short sound into an endless flow.

Once you’ve experienced Efx FRAGMENTS’ unique interpretation of granular processing, you’ll never look back.

Parts of
a whole

Efx FRAGMENTS breaks the process of granular synthesis down into easy-to-use modules that intuitively interact with each other.

By individually tweaking different parts of the granular process, you can explore and experiment with your sound with absolute control and unprecedented detail; here’s how it works.

  • Buffer

    This is where incoming audio passes through to be used as the raw material for Efx FRAGMENTS’ grains, giving you real-time, top-level control over its behavior. See the moving playback and recording points, customize the buffer length, tweak the feedback and wet/dry levels, and freeze the buffer in place for a static slice of sound.

  • Grain Capture

    Here you can explore the many tools that Efx FRAGMENTS uses to capture grains from the buffer, from the Speed controls to the Transient & Snap-To-Grid quantization modes. Make your grain capture respond to hits and swells, introduce ‘sprays’ at random, manually scan what you’ve captured, and more; granular essentials.

  • Grain Release

    At the core of Efx FRAGMENTS’ interface is an array of parameters and responsive options that give you full control over every aspect of the newly-created grains’ behavior, from shape to play direction to density - and far beyond. The Grain Release module is topped off with a dynamic visualizer, providing vivid visual feedback of your sound.

  • Pan & FX

    Navigate the stereo space of your mix in a plethora of curious and exciting ways, from randomized grain panning to tempo-synced movement around a virtual 3D space. For the final end-of-chain touch, run Efx FRAGMENTS’ signal through two FX slots, featuring algorithms like Multi-Filter, Tape Echo, Stereo Flanger, and more.

  • Advanced controls

    In keeping with the rest of our virtual instruments and FX plugins, Efx FRAGMENTS comes armed with a host of dynamic modulation and expression tools. Assign Macros to multiple parameters for real-time sweeping effects, make your grains respond to each beat with a built-in Envelope Follower, create custom functions and step-sequences.



  • Future Music


    “A powerful, user-friendly sound design tool. It’s likely to become a secret weapon for many users. ”

triple threat

Despite its near boundless possibilities and potential for sonic chaos, granular synthesis doesn't need to be daunting.

Efx FRAGMENTS distills this expansive concept into 3 clearly defined modes that deliver tangible, usable, and inspiring results - whatever your style.


As the name suggests, this is Efx FRAGMENTS' broadest and most customizable mode. Choose between quantization and chaos, lengthy grains or pinpoint snippets of sound, delicate enhancement or outright granular destruction.


Rhythmic mode locks grain size and density in with tempo-matched values, ensuring that every grain pulses, flutters, and resonates in perfect sync with your project. Great for creating precise machine-like movement and mangled drum loops.


Create sprawling clouds of sound, ethereal mix-filling drones, and organic bow-like resonance. Texture mode introduces features like the Layers macro, creating a harmonious relationship between size and density that adds ensemble-like richness to Efx FRAGMENTS' sound

Sound design

Granular synthesis goes beyond glitchy transients and shimmering reverb.

Efx FRAGMENTS is designed as an end-to-end granular toolkit, offering never-before-seen sound design flexibility, features, and presets to make any sound interesting. Here’s what you can expect…

Animating sound

Turn the simplest sample or drum loop into an exciting focal feature in your mix. Any sound, no matter how static or plain, will become an animated, living, breathing sonic curiosity when processed through Efx FRAGMENTS. Keep things moving without relying on ambience or repetitive sequences with features like Spray, randomization, macros, and the Advanced modulation section.

Exploring pitch

Go beyond basic harmonization and shimmering octave shifts with accurate pitch tracking, scale quantization, and spatial enhancement. Make harmonic and melodic content more interesting, more textural, and more characterful by experimenting with Efx FRAGMENTS' +/-3 octaves of pitch-shifting capabilities, randomized fine-tuning for swirling chorus and detuning effects, and more.


Bend the rules of time and sound by freezing any audio in place. Experimenting with different combinations of size and grain while engaging Efx FRAGMENTS' Freeze function can create never-ending drones from a single frozen point of your sound. Transform a short sound into an artificial dense trail, create a pedal note layer underneath a melody, or manually skim through a sound by adjusting the playhead position.

Rhythmic variations

Take a simple beat or repeating drum loop and inject variation, color, and complex rhythmic content in seconds. Using Efx FRAGMENTS' tempo-sync options alongside built-in Step Sequencer, Pitch control, and Grain Crush can twist and contort your drums and percussion beyond recognition, while retaining their core rhythmic purpose. An essential tool for enhancing beats, drum hits, and rhythm sections.

Distort, Destroy

Yes, Efx FRAGMENTS can introduce subtle changes and character to a sound - but it has an extreme side too. Add grit and noisy digital artifacts with the Grain Crush feature, including authentic bitcrushing algorithms from CMI V and Emulator II V; Go red-hot with Multi-Distortion in the FX slots; Crank settings to the extreme using essential effects like Comb Filter, Phaser, and Tape Echo; push your granular sound to the limit.

Double Axis Spatializer

From rich stereo modulation, to detailed reverb & delay FX, to the versatile Pan module, Efx FRAGMENTS gives you full control of the stereo field. Introduce random left-to-right movement, hypnotic stereo drones, spacious granular atmosphere, and everything in between.

Included in
FX collection

Efectos que realmente querrás usar

Este efecto forma parte de la FX Collection, una colección de plugins de efectos de audio esenciales que permiten a músicos, productores y artistas expresar su creatividad en sus producciones. Desde equipos de grabación míticos modelados con una precisión asombrosa hasta efectos contemporáneos de vanguardia: la colección incluye las herramientas de estudio más deseadas, pedales de guitarra raros, realzadores modernos de mezcla y mucho más. Mejora tus producciones y añade color a tus mezclas como nunca habías podido.

Learn More

Las características

  • Listos para tu DAW

    Da igual de qué forma uses estos plugins: por el tono fantástico de su reverb, por los previos llenos de textura o por sus capacidades increíbles para diseño de sonido. Tendrás la tranquilidad de saber que son totalmente compatibles con tu equipo actual. Estos plugins funcionan con los principales DAW, tanto en Windows como en MacOS.

  • ASC

    Arturia Software Center te permite descargar, organizar y actualizar todo tu software de Arturia desde el mismo sitio, además de gestionar tus licencias en varios dispositivos. Así de sencillo.

  • Interfaz gráfica redimensionable

    Tanto si quieres la inmersión visual completa de nuestras emulaciones de efectos clásicos como si prefieres ocupar el menor espacio posible en pantalla, las interfaces de todos tus plugins de Arturia se pueden redimensionar al tamaño que mejor te vaya.

  • Control en tiempo real

    Todos los parámetros de cualquier plugin de la FX Collection se pueden asignar a tu controlador MIDI favorito para tener un control instantáneo y directo de tu mezcla. Haz un barrido de filtro, dale caña a un previo o transforma la modulación al momento.

  • Tutoriales integrados en la app

    Todos los plugins de la FX Collection incluyen tutoriales integrados que te guían paso a paso por los parámetros y opciones fundamentales, y te enseñan truquitos de mezcla para sacar el máximo partido de tu sonido. El panel de tutoriales también te explica los controles que estás utilizando en tiempo real para que no se te escape ni un ajuste.

  • Explorador de presets

    El explorador simplificado de presets de la FX Collection te permite filtrar, organizar y guardar tus presets favoritos para recuperarlos al instante. Busca por tipo de instrumento, género musical, técnica de producción y mucho más: podrás encontrar rápidamente el ajuste que necesitas y ahorrar un valioso tiempo que está mejor empleado en la parte creativa.


Main Features

  • Creative effect plugin based on granular processing
  • Features 3 distinct granular modes: Classic, Texture & Rhythmic
  • Pitch quantization with 15 different scales
  • Grain quantization with transient detection or snap-to-grid modes
  • Spatializer section with 9 different trajectory presets
  • 2 FX slots with sophisticated routing for unique sound design possibilities
  • Advanced modulation section, featuring an envelope follower, 3 function generators and a step sequencer
  • Curated 60-preset library for instant access to inspiring tones
  • Apple M1 compatibility

Platforms specifications


  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
  • ARM processors not supported on Windows

Required configuration

  • VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

Work with ASC

  • An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.

* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.

*NKS ready