When it was released, the original DBX 165A® was a compressor unlike any other.
Rather than the more traditional vacuum tube, it used a solid-state VCA to create its compression effect, and cutting-edge RMS dynamics detection. It also sounded great, which is the important thing!
These days, it’s getting harder and harder to find working originals, but their legendary sound-shaping power is still highly sought-after. Now, thanks to Arturia’s advanced TAE® modelling, you can enjoy using this fabled compressor in your DAW, on as many channels as you want, and with advanced features only possible through software.
Unlike the more common DBX 160, the 165A® sported several unique features that made it a “must have” for studios looking for tight, punchy percussive sounds. Known as the “Over Easy” compressor, its auto attack-decay detection made great compression simple, its harsh peakstop limiter added a touch of vintage filth when things really hit hard, and its unique compression sound gives even extreme settings a natural feel.
If you’re looking for an easy-to-use compressor with character, you’ll love Comp VCA-65.
What’s so special
about Comp VCA-65?
Every nuance, and quirk that made the original DBX compressor so sought-after has been perfectly recreated in software.
Through careful analysis and painstaking research everything from the biting “crunch” of the peakstop to the fluid “over easy” knee is here. It’s just like having the original compressor in your DAW, but revamped with some powerful new abilities.
Spice up your loop
Lifeless loops getting you down? Let this reborn iconic hardware VCA energize and fatten up your beats!
Tame those guitar amps!
Clean and subtle compression from Arturia’s Advanced side chain EQ will let you tame the attack of this electric guitar while retaining its body.
Your drum's best friend
Comp VCA-65 is a real prizefighter for drums, adding life and toasty crunch to your drum bus.
Add vintage distortion when limiting
Add some analog dirt with the mighty VCA-65 Peakstop limiter, and blend in with the original track using included parallel compression.
Beauty and the Grit
The Comp VCA-65 characteristic grit, pushed to the extreme, combined with the power of M/S processing, adds strong character to this airy piano track.
Sounds great on drums, percussion, and bass
“Over easy compressor” by name and by nature! Hear a simple snare through the gentle hands of Comp VCA-65.
Vintage tone,
modern features
As incredible as the original compressor was, music production has moved on since the 70s.
Just because the technology has changed, it doesn’t mean we have to leave these classics behind. When recreated this compressor, we included several contemporary features with modern producers in mind.
The top panel of the interface gives you access to all of the original controls. You can click to expand the plugin to and access its advanced, new features.

01. Push the button
Last, but certainly not least, Comp VCA-65 includes a “manual” mode for the sidechain. When this mode is engaged, you can trigger the side chain with the virtual button to see how it reacts, and automate it in your DAW so you can get total control without even needing an input audio source.
02. Let’s do the Time Warp
Because we’re working in the digital domain, it’s easy to introduce a couple of milliseconds of pre-delay without you even noticing. The “Time Warp” function lets you take advantage of this, so you can get creative with your placement of the compression envelope as it engages and releases. This is a dream come true for experimental producers and sound designers!
03. The “S” Word
The sidechain includes an integrated SSL®-style EQ, letting you hone in on particular frequencies of the sidechain signal that activates the compressor. One easy, effective use for this is to use the EQ to boost the sibilance of a vocal, and let the sidechain act as a highly customizable de-esser.
Included in
FX collection
Efectos que realmente querrás usar
Este efecto forma parte de la FX Collection, una colección de plugins de efectos de audio esenciales que permiten a músicos, productores y artistas expresar su creatividad en sus producciones. Desde equipos de grabación míticos modelados con una precisión asombrosa hasta efectos contemporáneos de vanguardia: la colección incluye las herramientas de estudio más deseadas, pedales de guitarra raros, realzadores modernos de mezcla y mucho más. Mejora tus producciones y añade color a tus mezclas como nunca habías podido.
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Las características
Da igual de qué forma uses estos plugins: por el tono fantástico de su reverb, por los previos llenos de textura o por sus capacidades increíbles para diseño de sonido. Tendrás la tranquilidad de saber que son totalmente compatibles con tu equipo actual. Estos plugins funcionan con los principales DAW, tanto en Windows como en MacOS.
Arturia Software Center te permite descargar, organizar y actualizar todo tu software de Arturia desde el mismo sitio, además de gestionar tus licencias en varios dispositivos. Así de sencillo.
Tanto si quieres la inmersión visual completa de nuestras emulaciones de efectos clásicos como si prefieres ocupar el menor espacio posible en pantalla, las interfaces de todos tus plugins de Arturia se pueden redimensionar al tamaño que mejor te vaya.
Todos los parámetros de cualquier plugin de la FX Collection se pueden asignar a tu controlador MIDI favorito para tener un control instantáneo y directo de tu mezcla. Haz un barrido de filtro, dale caña a un previo o transforma la modulación al momento.
Todos los plugins de la FX Collection incluyen tutoriales integrados que te guían paso a paso por los parámetros y opciones fundamentales, y te enseñan truquitos de mezcla para sacar el máximo partido de tu sonido. El panel de tutoriales también te explica los controles que estás utilizando en tiempo real para que no se te escape ni un ajuste.
El explorador simplificado de presets de la FX Collection te permite filtrar, organizar y guardar tus presets favoritos para recuperarlos al instante. Busca por tipo de instrumento, género musical, técnica de producción y mucho más: podrás encontrar rápidamente el ajuste que necesitas y ahorrar un valioso tiempo que está mejor empleado en la parte creativa.
Basado en TAE®
La tecnología exclusiva de modelado analógico que hace que nuestras emulaciones sean indistinguibles de los originales.
Al imitar con precisión las características de los osciladores analógicos, los filtros y el recorte suave, podemos conseguir un asombroso detalle a nivel de componentes y el auténtico sabor analógico a partes iguales.
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Main Features
Virtual recreation of famed classic VCA compressor
Original electronic path accurately modeled, including VCA and transistors, using Arturia’s state-of-the-art TAE® analog modeling
Original fast attack & release parameters with Auto mode
Original Peakstop limiter
Original variable ratio form 1:1 to 1:oo
Additional Arturia creative side-chain features:
- External side-chain source to trigger the compressor to an external source
- Playful manual pad to manually trigger the compression
- 7 creative detection mode, including M/S processing
- Time warp function with look ahead or delay added to your side-chain path
- Advanced Side-chain EQ
- Compression range parameter to limit the amount of gain reduction applied, with 0dB position for FET-76 with no compression/distorsion only sound
- Monitor Side-chain signal directly
Dry/wet Mix knob for parallel compression
Switchable Analog VU meter with 3 calibrations mode (-18dBFs, -12dBS, -8 dBFs)
Analog clipping LED indicator
Comprehensive set of presets
A/B comparison setting
Integrated tutorials and unique dynamic preset tips
Resizable window
State-of-the-art TAE® analog modeling
Platforms specifications
- Win 10+ (64bit)
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
- ARM processors not supported on Windows
Required configuration
- VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).

- Mac OS 11+
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Work with ASC
- An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.
* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.
*NKS ready