The easy chorus
you’ve always wanted
Chorus JUN-6's subtle stereo richness has to be heard to be believed - try it out for yourself below by turning the MIX knob.
A recreation of a rare and much-loved analog gem, bringing unique BBD imperfection and the easiest set of FX controls you’ve ever seen for effortlessly warm analog grain. The Juno chorus is unique in its popularity - rather than being a pedal, a rack-mounted unit, or a secretstudio weapon, it was built into the classic ‘80s synths of the same name. But it was more than just a component. More than a handful of controls at the end of the chain.
Its beautiful stereo width, warm BBD analog color, and button-operated simplicity was - and still is - irresistible.
The 3-mode design has been meticulously analyzed and reproduced to behave just like the original, right down to the LFO frequencies. Instant, classic variants of rate, depth, and stereo spread. To take it further, we added a Manual mode to access some familiar modulation flexibility - just in case.
A go-to
mixing tool
There’s chorus, and then there’s Chorus JUN-6. This isn’t like using any old chorus pedal - this easy-to-use icon has a multitude of uses, and you’ll be hooked from your first go.
Stereo widener
Take any sound, mono or stereo, and put it through Chorus JUN-6 for a larger-than-life stereo image that’s beautifully immersive, warm, and cinematic in quality.
Vocal enhance
Need your vocals to pop? Looking to make those BVs sit better in your mix? Chorus JUN-6 adds heaps of richness and sonic character to your vocal stems, whatever your style.
Color your guitar
If your guitar track needs some new life breathed into it, or if you’re looking for some subtle shoegaze vibes, look no further - a match made in modulation heaven.
Synth booster
From analog toplines to wavetable arps, your synth parts will simply sound better with a touch of Chorus JUN-6. Say no to static patches and bathe your synths in vibrant color.
Fatten that bass
This effect is a bassline miracle worker. Fingerstyle 4-string, stacked unison synth, FM punchiness - make it bigger, brighter, or badder with Chorus JUN-6.
Dynamite drums
Want to give your breakbeat loops a splash of stereo color? To make your hi-hats fill the mix from left to right? Chorus JUN-6 works a treat on any drum track.
Try it out

to plugin
In the '80s, polysynths were expensive and exclusive - the Juno range changed that, bringing analog polyphony to the masses.
And if the sound of 6 analog voices wasn't big enough, the built-in chorus did the trick. The Juno synths featured stereo outputs, and what better way to make the most of them than building a beautiful BBD chorus circuit right into the unit itself? The chorus sound aged like a fine wine, becoming almost as famous as the synths it was built into - taking a big sound and making it simply huge.
We analyzed every nuance of the original circuit's behavior; this ain't no ordinary chorus effect. Drench your sound in the authentic analog sparkle and gritty warmth of BBD delay lines for modulation with flavor.
wide sound
Chorus JUN-6 strikes the balance between ultra-simple sound coloration and flexible modulation plugin that fits into any production flow - here's a closer look.
Chorus Jun-6 doesn’t just capture the essence of the original stereo effect - it ventures beyond to bring you something entirely new and wholly inspiring.
Chorus JUN-6 stays faithful to the original with 3 easy-access modes. I is the classic warm stereo swirl, II increases the rate and depth, and the combined I+II mode sums both in mono for an irresistibly retro sound.
If you're looking to fine-tune Chorus JUN-6's subtle sound, we've added a familiar Mix control so you can dial in your perfect dry/wet balance.
Operate Chorus DIMENSION-D in mono, mono to stereo, or full stereo mode - make it as simple, authentic, or comprehensive as you want.
With this button engaged, you can sum your input source from stereo to mono for an even effect; otherwise your stereo input will be fully affected by the left and right delay lines for true ultra-wide immersion.
Roman Times
TransChorus__Solidtrax For this transe track: The drums are all samples. The synths are all Arturia ones, namely: CZ, Pigments v2, Mini v3 and OBXa The effects are from Arturia as well - Rev Intensity. Chorus is of course the JUN-6. Some of the instances are on setting 1, others on 2 and I also automated the lead sound so that you can hear the chorus really do its magic!
Included in
FX collection
Efectos que realmente querrás usar
Este efecto forma parte de la FX Collection, una colección de plugins de efectos de audio esenciales que permiten a músicos, productores y artistas expresar su creatividad en sus producciones. Desde equipos de grabación míticos modelados con una precisión asombrosa hasta efectos contemporáneos de vanguardia: la colección incluye las herramientas de estudio más deseadas, pedales de guitarra raros, realzadores modernos de mezcla y mucho más. Mejora tus producciones y añade color a tus mezclas como nunca habías podido.
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Las características
Da igual de qué forma uses estos plugins: por el tono fantástico de su reverb, por los previos llenos de textura o por sus capacidades increíbles para diseño de sonido. Tendrás la tranquilidad de saber que son totalmente compatibles con tu equipo actual. Estos plugins funcionan con los principales DAW, tanto en Windows como en MacOS.
Arturia Software Center te permite descargar, organizar y actualizar todo tu software de Arturia desde el mismo sitio, además de gestionar tus licencias en varios dispositivos. Así de sencillo.
Tanto si quieres la inmersión visual completa de nuestras emulaciones de efectos clásicos como si prefieres ocupar el menor espacio posible en pantalla, las interfaces de todos tus plugins de Arturia se pueden redimensionar al tamaño que mejor te vaya.
Todos los parámetros de cualquier plugin de la FX Collection se pueden asignar a tu controlador MIDI favorito para tener un control instantáneo y directo de tu mezcla. Haz un barrido de filtro, dale caña a un previo o transforma la modulación al momento.
Todos los plugins de la FX Collection incluyen tutoriales integrados que te guían paso a paso por los parámetros y opciones fundamentales, y te enseñan truquitos de mezcla para sacar el máximo partido de tu sonido. El panel de tutoriales también te explica los controles que estás utilizando en tiempo real para que no se te escape ni un ajuste.
El explorador simplificado de presets de la FX Collection te permite filtrar, organizar y guardar tus presets favoritos para recuperarlos al instante. Busca por tipo de instrumento, género musical, técnica de producción y mucho más: podrás encontrar rápidamente el ajuste que necesitas y ahorrar un valioso tiempo que está mejor empleado en la parte creativa.
Basado en TAE®
La tecnología exclusiva de modelado analógico que hace que nuestras emulaciones sean indistinguibles de los originales.
Al imitar con precisión las características de los osciladores analógicos, los filtros y el recorte suave, podemos conseguir un asombroso detalle a nivel de componentes y el auténtico sabor analógico a partes iguales.
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Main Features
Accurate recreation of the 2-mode Roland Juno 6 chorus
Include the original I+II position for vibrato-like sound
Additional Manual Depth and Rate controls for custom settings
LFO Phase knob allows for width adjustment
Sync to host tempo option
Mono/stereo input and Dry/wet Mix controls
Platforms specifications
- Win 10+ (64bit)
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
- ARM processors not supported on Windows
Required configuration
- VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).

- Mac OS 11+
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Work with ASC
- An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.
* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.
*NKS ready