and wide
Chorus DIMENSION-D has been painstakingly modeled after one of the most sought-after effects units of all time, the Roland Dimension D - championed by everyone from Kate Bush to Stevie Ray Vaughan. Now you too can bathe your mix in that same warm, spacious texture that’s earned legendary status in studios worldwide.
4-button operation
Explore different combinations of the 4 buttons for rate and depth variations. Beautiful, immediate chorus for every application.
Spatial enhancer
Widen your vocals, enrich your keys and stretch your guitar parts across the stereo field. Space is the aim of the game.
BBD warmth
Chorus DIMENSION-D features authentic bucket-brigade device circuitry replication for stunning warmth and subtle saturation.
Advanced controls
Tweak the LFO shape, BBD compression, and stereo width beyond the capabilities of the original unit - make it your own.
The chorus
that changed the game
The original Dimension D, introduced in the late '70s, offered an ultra-simple solution to the problem of spaciousness in a mix.
For many producers, however, it transcended its original purpose.
Chorus adds subtle swirls and slow pitch modulation for a range of rich moving textures - but the Dimension became a go-to sonic sweetener. Something that simply made things sound broader, warmer and better-suited to a rich stereo mix.
This was thanks to the synergy between the BBD architecture, delicate compression, expansion & filtering, and a unique stereo wet/dry crossmix. Each feature has been carefully reconstructed in plugin form, component by component, for your virtual studio.
in simplicity
Sometimes, less is more.
Undoubtedly one of the standout features of Chorus DIMENSION-D is the simple 4-mode operation. No menu-diving, no in-depth parameter tweaking: what you see is what you get.
Modes 1-3 offer fixed variations on modulation rate and depth. Mode 4 can then be used in conjunction with 1-3 for increased wet signal level.
Instant analog chorus, from soft shimmer to animated waviness.
Choose from a selection of 8 curated presets for a taste of the iconic sounds that put this effect on the map.
A touch
of color
The magic of the dual LFO & dual Phasor setup really comes into its own with the elaborate routing options.
The idea behind the chorus effect is simple; the pitch of your signal is modulated by an LFO and mixed in with your dry sound. Chorus DIMENSION-D represents a unique take on this concept, not only altering the stereo spread of the modulated/dry signals, but coloring the sound in its own distinct way.
A common and much-loved side effect of BBD circuitry is the warm, smooth character of the output signal. In addition, a built-in compressor/expander feature discretely alters the saturation and dynamic response of your sound. This emulation simply wouldn’t be the same without these subtleties - so we incorporated them into the process from day one.
Sombre chords
Kinetic pad
Snappy analog snare
Spring cleans
Mellow lead vocal
Heart strings
Make this legendary modulation effect your own.
While Chorus DIMENSION-D’s beauty lies in its simple operation, we’ve added a few optional enhancements
Choose from 5 LFO shapes for unique stereo movement; triangle (default), sine, ramp, sample & hold, and sample & glide. Perfect for adding movement to static pads or backing vocals.
Manipulate the unique compressor/expander algorithm for subtle variations in attack, decay and grit on the output signal. Try it on a punchy drum loop or popping guitar line to hear the fine changes in saturation and dynamics.
Operate Chorus DIMENSION-D in mono, mono to stereo, or full stereo mode - make it as simple, authentic, or comprehensive as you want.
SuShrink the stereo spread or stretch it beyond 100% with the Width control, which cuts or boosts the left/right levels. Crank it to the max for head-spinning immersion.
A familiar control for modulation and ambient effects, added for you to adapt Chorus DIMENSION-D to your own creative needs.
Tim Bazell
The sound of change
Like many modern producers, Tim Bazell started his journey as a player. Now a seasoned engineer and producer on the UK circuit, it was his love of the sounds of his favorite records that tipped him over the edge.
Leer el artículoIncluded in
FX collection
Efectos que realmente querrás usar
Este efecto forma parte de la FX Collection, una colección de plugins de efectos de audio esenciales que permiten a músicos, productores y artistas expresar su creatividad en sus producciones. Desde equipos de grabación míticos modelados con una precisión asombrosa hasta efectos contemporáneos de vanguardia: la colección incluye las herramientas de estudio más deseadas, pedales de guitarra raros, realzadores modernos de mezcla y mucho más. Mejora tus producciones y añade color a tus mezclas como nunca habías podido.
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Las características
Da igual de qué forma uses estos plugins: por el tono fantástico de su reverb, por los previos llenos de textura o por sus capacidades increíbles para diseño de sonido. Tendrás la tranquilidad de saber que son totalmente compatibles con tu equipo actual. Estos plugins funcionan con los principales DAW, tanto en Windows como en MacOS.
Arturia Software Center te permite descargar, organizar y actualizar todo tu software de Arturia desde el mismo sitio, además de gestionar tus licencias en varios dispositivos. Así de sencillo.
Tanto si quieres la inmersión visual completa de nuestras emulaciones de efectos clásicos como si prefieres ocupar el menor espacio posible en pantalla, las interfaces de todos tus plugins de Arturia se pueden redimensionar al tamaño que mejor te vaya.
Todos los parámetros de cualquier plugin de la FX Collection se pueden asignar a tu controlador MIDI favorito para tener un control instantáneo y directo de tu mezcla. Haz un barrido de filtro, dale caña a un previo o transforma la modulación al momento.
Todos los plugins de la FX Collection incluyen tutoriales integrados que te guían paso a paso por los parámetros y opciones fundamentales, y te enseñan truquitos de mezcla para sacar el máximo partido de tu sonido. El panel de tutoriales también te explica los controles que estás utilizando en tiempo real para que no se te escape ni un ajuste.
El explorador simplificado de presets de la FX Collection te permite filtrar, organizar y guardar tus presets favoritos para recuperarlos al instante. Busca por tipo de instrumento, género musical, técnica de producción y mucho más: podrás encontrar rápidamente el ajuste que necesitas y ahorrar un valioso tiempo que está mejor empleado en la parte creativa.
Basado en TAE®
La tecnología exclusiva de modelado analógico que hace que nuestras emulaciones sean indistinguibles de los originales.
Al imitar con precisión las características de los osciladores analógicos, los filtros y el recorte suave, podemos conseguir un asombroso detalle a nivel de componentes y el auténtico sabor analógico a partes iguales.
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Main Features
Instant, easy to use classic chorus with 4 modes and enhanced controls
Ultra-simple 4-button operation
Perfectly emulated BBD response for coveted warm sound
Replicated analog compression, filtering and expansion detail
Mono and stereo plugin modes
Arturia's advanced features enhancing the original unit:
- Choose from 4 additional oscillator (LFO) shapes
- Dynamic Color control subtly tweaks the saturation and tonal response
- Stereo Width parameter gives you more control over the left/right crossmix
- Emulated Send Mode and dry/wet mix control options
A selection of 8 curated presets for instant iconic modulation sounds
Platforms specifications
- Win 10+ (64bit)
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
- ARM processors not supported on Windows
Required configuration
- VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).

- Mac OS 11+
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Work with ASC
- An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.
* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.
*NKS ready