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Press Releases
{"tag":"Event","date":"21-22/06/2019","image":"/images/news/event-gearfest-2019.jpg","title":"GearFest 2019","location":"Fort Wayne","date":"June 21-22","content":"With two days of the hottest new gear, mind-blowing workshops, and performances by some of the best in the business, Sweetwater's GearFest is a music-maker's paradise. Thousands of dollars of gear giveaways, camping, and GearFest-exclusive gear deals and it's all absolutely FREE! Spend the weekend with 15,000 fellow musicians and register for this year's GearFest.","links":{"event":"/company/news/events","other":"https://www.sweetwater.com/local/events/"}}
Ingénieur Senior H/F en Développement et Gestion de projets IT
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{"tag":"Event","date":"23-24/05/2019","image":"/images/news/event-synth-attack-4.jpg","title":"Synth Attack Vol. 4!","location":"Warsaw","date":"23-24th May","content":"Synth Attack is a series of workshops on electronic music production organized by the School of Modern Music and Audiotech.","links":{"event":"/company/news/events","facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/events/2362471617108322/"}}
{"tag":"Event","date":"27/05/2019","image":"/images/news/event-connessioni.jpg","title":"Connessioni","location":"Milano","date":"27th May","content":"Join the Connessioni - A Modular Journey - event this Saturday in Milan and you'll have the chance to win a V Collection 7!","links":{"event":"/company/news/events","facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/MidiWare/posts/10156515101127989"}}
{"tag":"Story","image":"/images/news/news-bamanya.jpg","title":"Bamanya Brian Afrorack","location":"","content":"Musician Bamanya Brian has recently build a totally DIY modular synth rig, from locally sourced parts and circuits in Uganda, East Africa. He’s been using the Arturia BeatStep Pro to sequence this scratch-built since marvel, and we caught up with him to chat about his passion for modular.","links":{"other":"/stories/brian-bamanya"}}
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