{"tag":"Event","date":"23-24/05/2019","image":"/images/news/event-synth-attack-4.jpg","title":"Synth Attack Vol. 4!","location":"Warsaw","date":"23-24th May","content":"Synth Attack is a series of workshops on electronic music production organized by the School of Modern Music and Audiotech.","links":{"event":"/company/news/events","facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/events/2362471617108322/"}}
{"tag":"Event","date":"27/05/2019","image":"/images/news/event-connessioni.jpg","title":"Connessioni","location":"Milano","date":"27th May","content":"Join the Connessioni - A Modular Journey - event this Saturday in Milan and you'll have the chance to win a V Collection 7!","links":{"event":"/company/news/events","facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/MidiWare/posts/10156515101127989"}}
{"tag":"Story","image":"/images/news/news-bamanya.jpg","title":"Bamanya Brian Afrorack","location":"","content":"Musician Bamanya Brian has recently build a totally DIY modular synth rig, from locally sourced parts and circuits in Uganda, East Africa. He’s been using the Arturia BeatStep Pro to sequence this scratch-built since marvel, and we caught up with him to chat about his passion for modular.","links":{"other":"/stories/brian-bamanya"}}
Published in
{"tag":"SOUNDS","image":"/images/news/news-pigments-3.jpg","title":"Rusted Keys & Plutonic Fields","location":"","content":"Thanks to the power of Pigments’ wavetable hybrid synthesis, you can hear a totally fresh take on classic keyboard sounds with a gritty, relic feel. These two banks adds up to 128 imaginary instruments and audio curios guaranteed to inspire your creativity.","links":{"other":"/products/analog-classics/pigments/sounds"}}
Published in
{"tag":"SOUNDS","image":"/images/news/news-synthopedia.jpg","title":"Synthopedia","location":"","content":"This is the real deal. 800 red hot, cutting edge sounds that take 12 of our software synths to exciting new places. Included for free with V Collection 7, and available as an add-on for users of Analog Lab 3 or 4, Synthopedia lets you play the sound of tomorrow’s hits, today.","links":{"other":"/products/sound-banks/synthopedia/overview"}}
Published in
{"tag":"SOUNDS","image":"/images/news/news-beyond-matrix-2.jpg","title":"Beyond The Matrix Vol 2","location":"","content":"Fresh from the imagination key MatrixBrute sound designer Victor Morello comes an exciting new batch of presets. 32 patches of super-usable sequences, effects, lead, and bass sounds, all highly expressive, letting you really dig deep and enjoy the creative process.","links":{"other":"https://www.arturia.com/products/matrixbrute/resources"}}
Published in
Published in
Wednesday, 22 May 2019 09:30
ARTURIA announces offer free trial of V Collection 7
Written by Marion Levy
Published in
Press Releases
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