Synthi V

Experimentelle Londoner Klangwelten.

Mit seiner einzigartigen Steckfeld-Matrix passte der EMS-Synthi in eine Aktentasche und wurde zu einem zentralen Element des British Space Rock, in Soundtracks und Electronica. Der Synthi V stattet dieses Synth-Raumschiff mit modernen Raketenboostern aus, um die kreative Inspiration zu erweitern.

The synth wizard
in you

Famous for Pink Floyd’s “On the Run,” the EMS Synthi and its forerunner the VCS3 are the synths you don’t realize you’ve heard everywhere.

Roxy Music, LCD Soundsystem, The Who, Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, King Crimson, and Brian Eno, were just a few of the artists who took it on sonic journeys. Where will Synthi V take you?

A Singular Sound

Neither quite like a Mini nor quite like an ARP, the Synthi has a raw, aggressive quality that jumps out of the speakers. So will your music.

Bigger on the Inside

Like a certain blue telephone box, Synthi V packs incredible technology into a deceptively small package and will transport you through time and space.

Modeled to the Last Transistor

Our renowned True Analog Emulation® modeling doesn’t merely mimic the sound. It reproduces exactly how and why the original’s components made that sound.

Jack of All Trades

Though the Synthi is known for special FX, Synthi V will add take-no-prisoners leads, basses, and atmospheres to any style of music you throw it at.

Every Band
Needed a Synthi

Electronic Music Studios’ VCS3 and Synxthi won the hearts and blew the minds of British musicians throughout the 1970s. Its inventors were beyond revolutionary.

Electronic Music Studios’ VCS3 and Synthi won the hearts and blew the minds of British musicians throughout the 1970s. Its inventors were beyond revolutionary.

Discover the history of Synthi

Set the Controls
for the Heart of the Sound

Synthi V’s main interface captures all the charm of the original, with a handful of small tweaks that add up to a big difference.

If you’ve ever used a hardware EMS synth, you’ll feel right at home. If you’ve ever thought, “I wish my Synthi would do that,” ours does. If you’re new to the Synthi universe, you’ll forget you’re playing a virtual instrument.








01. Enhanced VCOs

Synthi V’s oscillators can quantize pitch to semitones and hard-sync VCO2 to VCO1. Or, control-drag on the knobs to make fine adjustments.

02. Put a Pin In It

Patch audio and control signals to destinations by clicking on the virtual pinboard. Sources and destinations are highlighted as you go.

03. Pintastic

Use a special group pin to route several signals to several places at once in the Advanced Panel.

04. Sample and Hold

We’ve added a sample-and-hold generator with its own row in the pin matrix, for cool non-linear modulation effects..

05. Synced On the Run

We’ve preserved the legacy sequencer in all its glory, only now it optionally syncs to MIDI or your host DAW’s project tempo.

06. Ready Player One

Assign each axis of the joystick to any destination you choose.

07. Attenuator Pins

The hardware used special pins if you wanted less of an audio or control signal to go somewhere. Click-hold on a pin to choose one.

and Synthier

Synthi V’s Advanced Panel lets you write the history of the future.

Since the Synthi’s designers were early computer geeks, we thought about what software-powered features they might have added if they’d had the chance. Then we did it.

  • Function Junction

    Functions can behave like an LFO, a complex multi-segment envelope, or anything in between. Route up to five of them to any parameter in Synthi V.

  • Joystick Command

    Create automatic, tempo-syncable joystick moves (or trigger them manually) and assign even more joystick routings here. It gets crazy deep, crazy fast.

  • Pinboard Plus

    With modern control sources like velocity, aftertouch, and an extra LFO, the advanced modulation matrix picks up where the original left off.

  • Group Pin Matrix

    Here is where you can assign modulation sources to figure into any group pins you have in play on the main panel.

  • Sophisticated Sequencer

    Create sequences of up to 32 steps and assign them to pitch or any other parameter in Synthi V.

  • Studio Grade Effects

    Route Synthi V’s final output through up to three effects at once, in series or parallel. Appropriate effects tempo-sync, including a stereo ping-pong delay.

Hear it
in action

Synthi V announces itself with bold sound and undeniably psychedelic energy. Here are the tracks it inspired some of our favorite electronic music artists to create.

Chill One

Hawking Radiation


Jarre Meet_Floyd

Just Another_Day


Reach For




  • Sound Bytes Mag

    On Synthi V

    “I can say that it certainly does sound like the original to my ears. The Oscillators have the same kind of rawness I remember, and the Filter has the same kind of response I remember. The kind of control, and adjustments produced by the patching seem to have the same feel I experienced when working with Synthis, all those years ago.”

  • Attack Magazine

    On Synthi V

    “Synthi V is a welcome addition to the package and should be high on anyone’s wish list.”

Included in
V collection

Legendary Keyboards Reinvented

This instrument is also part of the V Collection -your complete dream line-up of the legendary synths, organs, pianos and more that made keyboard history. They’re modeled with the most advanced technologies for authentic realism, and enhanced with new creative options. Whether you use it as DAW plugins in the studio or standalone at gigs, V Collection puts the greatest keys of all time at your fingertips for instant inspiration.

Learn More

Die Features
Du brauchst

  • In-App-Tutorials

    Integrierte In-App-Tutorials führen dich durch jeden Aspekt des Instruments, von individuellen Parametern bis hin zu Tipps unserer Sounddesigner, damit du dich auf deinen kreativen Moment konzentrieren kannst. Das kann doch nicht so einfach sein, ist es aber!

  • ASC

    Mit dem Arturia Software Center kannst du deine Arturia Software an einem Ort herunterladen, organisieren und aktualisieren und alle deine Lizenzen für mehrere Geräte verwalten. Einfacher geht es nicht!

  • Bereit für deine DAW

    Unsere virtuellen Instrumente und Plug-Ins wurden so entwickelt, dass sie problemlos direkt in dein Setup passen. Unabhängig von deinem Style kannst du jeden Sound erkunden und gleichzeitig die volle Kompatibilität mit den wichtigsten DAWs sowohl unter Windows als auch unter macOS genießen.

  • Preset-Browser

    Finde sofort den richtigen Sound mit dem intelligenten & optimierten Preset-Browser. Suche nach Schlüsselwörtern, nach Instrumentenart, Musikstil und nach vielem mehr - du kannst sogar deine Favoriten speichern, um diese später schnell aufzurufen.

  • Skalierbare GUI

    Egal, ob du mit einer Vollbilddarstellung in unsere klassischen Instrumentenemulationen eintauchen oder kostbaren Bildschirmplatz sparen willst – die Bedienoberflächen für alle virtuellen Arturia-Instrumente können beliebig skaliert werden – ganz nach deinem Geschmack.

  • Perfekte Integration

    Unsere Instrumente sind für den nahtlosen Einsatz mit der Arturia KeyLab-Serie vorkonfiguriert - aber sie funktionieren natürlich auch mit anderen MIDI-Controllern. Und mit dabei: Makros für direkte Sound-Optimierung, einfache DAW-Integration und Standalone-Betrieb.

TAE® Powered

The exclusive analog modeling technology that makes our emulations indistinguishable from the originals.

By accurately mimicking the characteristics of analog oscillators, filters, and soft clipping, we can provide astonishing component-accurate detail and authentic analog charm in equal measure.

Learn more


Main Features

A component-level model of the EMS Synthi AKS

3 oscillators with waveform mix, noise generator, 18 dB/oct resonant filter, output section with spring reverb modelling

Modular architecture, allowing to route signals in unexpected ways

Ring Modulator, loopable Envelope Shaper, 2 axis Joystick and Sample and Hold modules for advanced modulations

Original keyboard sequencer module with sync to DAW tempo

2 matrix behavior modes: modern and vintage for cross-talk simulation

5 assignable voltage functions to create multi-point envelopes and LFOs synced to DAW tempo

Advanced joystick automation module for modulating parameters in a 2D space

Matrix pin amounts modulations possibilities (with 4 independent groups)

10 effects, Reverb Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, Overdrive, Delay, ...

Up to 4 voices of polyphony

Over 250 factory presets

Platform specifications


  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Vierkern-CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
  • 3GB freier Festplattenspeicher
  • OpenGL 2.0 kompatible GPU
  • ARM Prozessoren werden unter Windows nicht unterstützt


  • Arbeitet als Standalone, VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (nur mit 64-Bit DAWs).


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Vierkern-CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) oder M1 CPU
  • 3GB freier Festplattenspeicher
  • OpenGL 2.0 kompatible GPU

Arbeiten mit dem ASC

  • Eine elegante und einfache Lösung, die dir bei der Installation, Aktivierung und Aktualisierung der Arturia-Softwareinstrumente hilft.

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