ARP2600 V

Begehrter semi-modularer Klassiker.

Der ARP 2600 V reproduziert einen der begehrtesten Synthesizer aller Zeiten und ist für Sounds verantwortlich, die von funky Texturen der 1970er Jahre bis hin zu unverwechselbaren Spezialeffekten reichen. Entdecke die perfekte Plug-In-Detailtreue und mit zusätzlichen Erweiterungen – randvoll mit kreativen Ideen für jedes Genre.

The ARP 2600 went from educational concept to rock ’n’ roll icon, and was the sound of both R2-D2 and Edgar Winter’s “Frankenstein.”

A modular synth in a suitcase, the 2600 immediately appealed to musicians. You could patch it like crazy, but didn’t need to. Its versatile sound became a favorite of Stevie Wonder, Josef Zawinul, Tony Banks of Genesis, Martin Gore of Depeche Mode, and many more. Combining True Analog Emulation® signature authenticity with vastly expanded features, ARP 2600 V is designed to become one of your favorites too.

To Patch or Not To Patch

Like the original, ARP 2600 V has a normalled signal path. Get great sounds right away or experiment with patch cables - it’s up to you!

Essential Ingredient

Whatever your musical style, something you do will call for the inimitable sound of the 2600. You may as well have the best software emulation there is.

Modular Mentor

With a left-to-right layout that follows signal flow, there’s no better way to learn the fundamentals of synthesis than with ARP 2600 V.

All Bases Covered

Combining modular freedom, easy sequencing, and real-time keyboard performance controls, ARP 2600 V is an instant gratification machine - you’ll lose yourself in no time.

It Came From
Outer Space

Alan R. Pearlman designed electronics for NASA. His passion for music soon sent a new kind of synthesizer into orbit.

It was this passion, combined with his engineering expertise, that led him to found ARP Instruments. ARP not only built some of the most complex and coveted synths of their time; the name left a lasting impact on the world of synthesis, contemporary music, and even cinema.

By 1968 Pearlman had already helmed and sold a successful company that made operational amps based on his aerospace work, but became interested in building electronic instruments after hearing that a certain famous synth brand had issues with temperature and tuning. His own early designs proved more stable, inspiring him to press forward.

In 1969 Pearlman and David Friend formed Tonus, later rebranded as ARP after Pearlman’s initials. Their first product was the 2500, a large modular system that used a matrix of sliders instead of patch cables.

Discover the history of ARP 2600

A Masterpiece
of Interface Design

It may look complex, but everything about the 2600 was intended to teach synthesis concepts and get you creating sounds in record time.

ARP 2600 V builds on this tradition first by duplicating the semi-modular flow of the original — patch cables optional. But click any patch point and all eligible points for the other end of the cable light up. That’s just the beginning.







01. Awesome Oscillators

Get seriously fat with alias-free TAE® models of the 2600’s three VCOs. Like everywhere on 2600 V, we’ve reproduced all parameters and patch points of the original.

02. Filter Fest

We expanded the original’s single filter option with 24dB and 12dB lowpass, 12dB bandpass and highpass, and notch modes.

03. High Voltage

Four voltage processors let you combine audio or modulation signals, add lag, invert the signal, and more for fascinating sound design possibilities.

04. Reverb Redux

Our faithful model includes the original’s spring reverb unit, complete with separate sliders for the left and right stereo channels.

05. Sample & Hold

Burble, bubble, and create wonderfully random modulations with the Sample & Hold generator, again modeled straight from the original.

06. Envelope Follower

Process tracks from your DAW or live audio interface inputs through 2600 V, transforming drum loops or instrument solos into something otherworldly.

The 2600
Goes to 11

Our exclusive improvements fit ARP 2600 V smoothly into your workflow and make it an ARP for all time.

We thought very carefully about what to add to a synthesizer that got so much right on the first try. Our decisions reflect a “superstock” approach; make it better with features that owners of the original would have scrambled for.

  • Vintage Sequencing

    With a control-for-control reproduction of ARP’s classic 1601 sequencer included, you’ll be creating patterns for days.

  • A Polyphonic 2600 and More

    The original 2600 was monophonic. ARP 2600 V supports polyphony up to 32 voices, with Unison mode for unbelievably huge sounds.

  • Secret FX

    Add rich chorus and tempo-synced delay with the effects hidden just under the left “speaker.”

  • Tracking Generators

    Create up to four custom curves and then patch any signal through them, adding to the 2600’s myriad modulation options.

  • Bonus LFO

    Why tie up one of the main oscillators when all you need is an LFO? The one in ARP 2600 V is fully patchable and even syncs to master tempo.

  • Express Yourself

    Patch velocity and aftertouch to any destinations for the most expressive ARP 2600 you’ll ever play.

Hear it
in action

From the funk of Herbie Hancock’s “Chameleon” to the fusion of “Birdland” by Weather Report to outrageous FX,

there wasn’t much the 2600 couldn’t do. These demo songs from our users and sound designers show just how far you can take ARP 2600 V.

Sound Objekt

6-8 Sequence


A big three oscillators lead sound with auto pan but without additional effects + hi hat rhythm with the ARP2600 V spring reverb.

Bass Notch


A square wave double oscillator bass sound showing all the power of the notch filter. (Listen to the notch frequency parameter sweep)


Mateo Lupo

Matt LUPO, one of our sound designers, has made a short song with 9 instances of the ARP2600 V...

Funky Goes


A little groove sample track using 8 ARP2600 V. All the drums sounds have been programmed with the ARP2600 V.

Sound Effects


A cheap 70'science fiction sound effects using five ARP2600V sequenced on Sonar 4 The famous Edgard Winter "Frankeinstein" sound has been used in the end of this track.



  • Mac Format

    On ARP2600 V

    “Arturia turns a classic synthesizer into a superb piece of software [...] This is a great product that will appeal to fans of the original ARP 2600. Beginners, however, may well find it a little bit confusing, but persevere! ARP2600 V sounds authentic and can accurately recall complex sound patches. A major achievement.”

  • Music Connection

    On ARP2600 V

    “A few obvious advantages of the 2600 V over the original hardware unit cannot be overstated.[...] For us it has become an immediate favourite -- a very worthy addition to anyone's virtual synth collection.”

  • Grooves Magazine

    On ARP2600 V

    “So how closely does the 2600 V reproduce the flavour of the original? [...] So while I can't attest to how truly authentic at waveform level Arturia's True Analog Emulation methodology is, I can definitely say that the 2600 V does seem to very successfully capture much of that specific Arp "flavour" in terms of oscillator and filter "punchiness [...] If you're fairly synth-savvy, or if you already know your way around the original Arp 2600, then with its flexible semi-modular approach as well a new extended modulation routings, the 2600 is recommended for a wide array of classic analog sounds both as an instrument and as source of wild sound effects.”

  • Computer Music

    On ARP2600 V

    “At a glance at the back of any Arturia box reveals that these developers are serious. The stellar line-up of electronic musicians whose photos appear on the cartons is like a synthesist hall of fame, and they're not just there to endorse the instruments - they're also responsible for the presets. [...] Some of the best patches come from Arturia themselves. Not for the first time, Jean-Michel Blanchet proves himself to be one of the best programmers in the business with his tumbling sequences, blistering leads and smooth pads. [...] if you've ever coveted the original ARP 2600, picking this up is a no-brain. If you've never heard of the original, you still might find the 2600 V to be an excellent way to ease into modular synthesis. It's another winner from Arturia.”

  • Sound On Sound

    On ARP2600 V

    “Arturia's 2600 V is the company's best software synth to date. It's powerful, it's flexible, and the bugs are few and far between. While it does not sound precisely like an ARP 2600, it offers much more than the original. Given the cost of buying a vintage ARP 2600 and 1601 Sequencer, 2600 V has to be worth serious consideration.”

  • Future Music

    On ARP2600 V

    “France's Arturia earned acclaim for its emulations of the MiniMg, Mg Modular and yamha CS-80, si it's not surprise their 2600 V is stunning as well. [...] The 2600 V is a great place to begin your adventure in synthesis, or, for the initiated, it's a refreshing return to classic tones and modular programming.”

  • Keyboard US

    On ARP2600 V

    “Thanks to the Arturia 2600 V and Way our Ware TimewARP2600 virtual synths, not only is the 2600 sound available again in an inexpensive and easy-to-find package, but the Arturia version features a recreation of the 1601 sequencer. [...] As an ARP 2600 reproduction, Arturia's 2600 V comes tantalizingly close. [...] as a modular synth with a built-in analog sequencer, the 2600 V positively rocks! It's got that definitive Arturian warmth with oodles of modulation options and is perfect complement to a rig that already has a few more traditional virtual synths.”

  • MusicTech

    On ARP2600 V

    “The system requirements are moderate by current standards and the results you get from the 2600 V are fantastic. Somehow it just sounds more authentic, more instantly gratifying than many other virtual synths. Given the scarcity of the real thing, this is as close as most of us will ever need to get to owning a real ARP2600.”

  • Remix

    On ARP2600 V

    “I'll just summarize by saying that for both novices and experienced users alike, Arturia's revamping of ARP's classic synth looks and sounds incredible; it is stable and efficient; and it shouldn't get boring for a very long time - if ever.”

  • XLR8R

    On ARP2600 V

    “The ARP 2600 sounds awesome -even if you don't explore outside of the presets. It does tax your processor though, and quite heavily if you've got an ancient computer (two years or older). While the ARP 2600 may be a retro concept, Arturia's emulation sounds as futuristic as the original did when it came out.”

  • Remix

    On ARP2600 V

    “Arturia's software version of the famed 2600 is exactly what one should expect out of an emulation piece: It has both the coveted sound of the original and the modern extras that users don't want to live without.”

Included in
V collection

Legendary Keyboards Reinvented

This instrument is also part of the V Collection -your complete dream line-up of the legendary synths, organs, pianos and more that made keyboard history. They’re modeled with the most advanced technologies for authentic realism, and enhanced with new creative options. Whether you use it as DAW plugins in the studio or standalone at gigs, V Collection puts the greatest keys of all time at your fingertips for instant inspiration.

Learn More

Die Features
Du brauchst

  • In-App-Tutorials

    Integrierte In-App-Tutorials führen dich durch jeden Aspekt des Instruments, von individuellen Parametern bis hin zu Tipps unserer Sounddesigner, damit du dich auf deinen kreativen Moment konzentrieren kannst. Das kann doch nicht so einfach sein, ist es aber!

  • ASC

    Mit dem Arturia Software Center kannst du deine Arturia Software an einem Ort herunterladen, organisieren und aktualisieren und alle deine Lizenzen für mehrere Geräte verwalten. Einfacher geht es nicht!

  • Bereit für deine DAW

    Unsere virtuellen Instrumente und Plug-Ins wurden so entwickelt, dass sie problemlos direkt in dein Setup passen. Unabhängig von deinem Style kannst du jeden Sound erkunden und gleichzeitig die volle Kompatibilität mit den wichtigsten DAWs sowohl unter Windows als auch unter macOS genießen.

  • Preset-Browser

    Finde sofort den richtigen Sound mit dem intelligenten & optimierten Preset-Browser. Suche nach Schlüsselwörtern, nach Instrumentenart, Musikstil und nach vielem mehr - du kannst sogar deine Favoriten speichern, um diese später schnell aufzurufen.

  • Skalierbare GUI

    Egal, ob du mit einer Vollbilddarstellung in unsere klassischen Instrumentenemulationen eintauchen oder kostbaren Bildschirmplatz sparen willst – die Bedienoberflächen für alle virtuellen Arturia-Instrumente können beliebig skaliert werden – ganz nach deinem Geschmack.

  • Perfekte Integration

    Unsere Instrumente sind für den nahtlosen Einsatz mit der Arturia KeyLab-Serie vorkonfiguriert - aber sie funktionieren natürlich auch mit anderen MIDI-Controllern. Und mit dabei: Makros für direkte Sound-Optimierung, einfache DAW-Integration und Standalone-Betrieb.

TAE® Powered

The exclusive analog modeling technology that makes our emulations indistinguishable from the originals.

By accurately mimicking the characteristics of analog oscillators, filters, and soft clipping, we can provide astonishing component-accurate detail and authentic analog charm in equal measure.

Learn more


Main Features

All the parameters of the original ARP 2600:

  • 3 voltage-controlled oscillators
  • Osc2->Osc1 synchronization
  • 24 dB/octave low pass resonant filter with self-oscillation
  • 1 LFO (can be synchronized to the host sequencer’s tempo)
  • 1 sample and hold, 1 ring modulator, 1 noise generator
  • 1 ADSR & 1 AR envelope follower

ARP2500 multimode 12 dB/octave filter with LP, HP, BP and Notch settings

Original ARP Sequencer model 1601

4 exclusive tracking generators with real-time interactive LFO creation ability

Voltage processors can be used as inverters, mixers or lag processors

Onboard effects: chorus, MIDI-syncable stereo delay, reverb

Polyphony from 2 to 32 voices with Unison options

More than 500 presets from top sound designers

Absolutely pure, top quality sound from TAE® analog modeling

Platform specifications


  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Vierkern-CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
  • 3GB freier Festplattenspeicher
  • OpenGL 2.0 kompatible GPU
  • ARM Prozessoren werden unter Windows nicht unterstützt


  • Arbeitet als Standalone, VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (nur mit 64-Bit DAWs).


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Vierkern-CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) oder M1 CPU
  • 3GB freier Festplattenspeicher
  • OpenGL 2.0 kompatible GPU

Arbeiten mit dem ASC

  • Eine elegante und einfache Lösung, die dir bei der Installation, Aktivierung und Aktualisierung der Arturia-Softwareinstrumente hilft.

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