An elusive
An unsung hero in the world of modulation effects.
A rare gem that’s renowned for its mysterious complexity. Flanger BL-20’s hardware predecessor may not be a household name, but its hypnotic sound and radical feature set speaks for itself.
Toggle and combine multiple modulation sources, manipulate the LFO shape and stereo spread, plunge harmonic sweeps to uncharted depths. Flanger BL-20 is no ordinary analog emulation - it’s an FX toolkit gone supersonic.
3 modulation sources
Choose between Auto (LFO), Env (internal or external) or Manual, or any combination of the 3, for an array of flanger sounds unlike anything you’ve ever heard.
Stereo enhancer
Operate Flanger BL-20 in either mono or stereo mode, and manipulate the stereo spread of the modulated signal for ultra-wide presence in your mix.
Due to a tiny delay applied to the dry signal, the modulated signal doubles back over the original starting point, resulting in a classic deep flange with prominent ‘blips’ in the sound.
BBD warmth
Flanger BL-20 uses authentic bucket-brigade device circuitry replication to emulate the original unit’s gloriously warm analog response.
Advanced controls
Change the Auto LFO shape, tweak the stereo spread - we even added an advanced function generator from Pigments. Vintage charm meets cutting-edge.
A curated selection of 28 presets, giving you instant access to the energetic movement and analog brilliance of Flanger BL-20.
absolute zero
The flanger effect is achieved by modulating a delayed version of your signal using an LFO. Flanger BL-20 expands this principle in multiple directions.
By applying an undetectable delay to the dry signal, the modulated signal is able to reach - and eventually pass over - the original starting point of the signal. This totally cancels out certain frequencies - resulting in distinct dips in the sound. This is known as ‘zero-crossing’ or ‘through-zero’ flanging, perfect for that dynamite ‘80s guitar sound.
Finally, the option of multiple modulation sources gives Flanger BL-20 a uniquely animated quality. Use the default LFO, a responsive envelope follower, or a static manual override - there’s nothing quite like it.
A crucial element of Flanger BL-20’s sound is the bucket-brigade device circuitry emulation.
We meticulously replicated this circuitry in virtual form to ensure a pristine analog response. Not only does BL-20 offer mind-blowing modulation capabilities - it adds that desirable vintage sparkle that plugins often lack.
This makes it a formidable mix sweetener, whatever your style. Enhance your rhythm guitar parts, animate your backing vocal tracks, enrich a repetitive drum loop; whatever your application, it will simply sound better.
Morning after chords_Wet
Sweet soul
Snare vibrations
Hearing double
Flanger BL-20 goes far beyond the familiar flanger principles, retrofitted with cutting-edge functions and parameters to encourage a little healthy exploration. Modulation let loose.
For extra flexibility, we added the function generator from Pigments. Use this feature to override the Manual modulation source for a totally customized response.
Apply a Hi-pass filter on the input signal to moderate the unique zero-crossing sound. Expect clearer frequencies, or interesting regen behavior if you’re feeling adventurous.
By default, the LFO is a simple triangle waveform. Now choose from 4 additional shapes; sine, square, sawtooth and reverse sawtooth.
Manipulate the stereo spread of the dry and wet signals, and toggle a reverse sweep switch in tandem, for a swirling larger-than-life sound.
Trigger the envelope follower using an external source. Get your tracks talking to each other and relish the exciting results.
Included in
FX collection
Effects you'll actually use
This effect is part of FX Collection, a suite of essential audio effect plugins empowering musicians, producers, and artists to get creative with their production. From iconic recording gear modeled with breathtaking accuracy, to cutting-edge contemporary effects, the collection includes the most sought-after studio tools, rare guitar pedals, modern mix enhancers, and beyond. Elevate your production and add color to your mix like never before.
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Die Features
Du brauchst
Egal, wie du unsere Plug-Ins nutzt, ob für einen fantastischen Hall-Sound, ob für knisternde Vorverstärkung oder für ein unglaubliches Sounddesign, du kannst dir sicher sein, dass alles vollständig kompatibel zu deinem Setup ist. Unsere Plug-Ins funktionieren mit allen bekannten DAWs sowohl unter Windows als auch macOS.
Mit dem Arturia Software Center kannst du deine Arturia Software an einem Ort herunterladen, organisieren und aktualisieren und alle deine Lizenzen für mehrere Geräte verwalten. Einfacher geht es nicht!
Ganz gleich, ob du vollständig visuell in unsere klassischen Effekt-Emulationen eintauchen willst oder wertvollen Bildschirmplatz sparen möchtest, die Bedienfenster für alle deine Arturia-Plug-Ins können auf die von dir gewünschte Größe angepasst werden.
Jeder Parameter in jedem Plug-In der FX Collection kann in deinem gewünschten MIDI-Controller zur direkten, praktischen Kontrolle deines Mixes zugeordnet werden. Mach einen Filter-Sweep, drehen einen Vorverstärker auf oder transformiere deine Modulationen während der laufenden Wiedergabe.
Jedes Plug-In der FX Collection bietet integrierte Tutorials und führt dich bei Bedarf Schritt für Schritt durch alle wichtigen Parameter, Einstellungen und Mixing-Tipps, um das Beste aus deinem Sound herauszuholen. Das Tutorial-Panel erklärt auch alle Bedienelemente, so dass du keine Anpassungsoption verpasst.
Mit dem optimierten Preset-Browser der FX Collection kannst du deine gewünschten Preset filtern, organisieren und speichern – für den sofortigen Einsatz. Such nach Instrumentenart, Genre, Produktionstechnik und vielem mehr - damit du schnell die Einstellung findest, die du benötigst und so wertvolle kreative Zeit sparen kannst!
TAE® Powered
The exclusive analog modeling technology that makes our emulations indistinguishable from the originals.
By accurately mimicking the characteristics of analog oscillators, filters, and soft clipping, we can provide astonishing component-accurate detail and authentic analog charm in equal measure.
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Main Features
Ultra-flexible stereo flanger with enhanced controls
3 combinable modulation sources: Auto (LFO), Env and Manual
Perfectly emulated BBD response for coveted warm sound
Arturia's advanced features enhancing the original unit:
- Zero crossing effect for deeper and more prominent flanger sounds
- Stereo Offset and Reverse Sweep controls for stereo spread manipulation
- 12dB/oct Hi-pass filter on input signal
- The addition of the Function Generator from Pigments, which can override the Manual modulation mode
- Choose from 4 additional Auto (LFO) modulation shapes
LFO and Function Generator feature tempo sync rates
External envelope option for extra-responsive modulation
Mono and stereo plugin modes
A selection of 28 curated presets for instant iconic modulation sounds
Platforms specifications
- Win 10+ (64bit)
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
- ARM processors not supported on Windows
Required configuration
- VST, AAX, Audio Unit, NKS (64-bit DAWs only).

- Mac OS 11+
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
- 1GB free hard disk space
- OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Work with ASC
- An elegant and simple solution to help you install, activate, and update your Arturia software.
* All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.
*NKS ready