Risa Taniguchi
meets DrumBrute Impact

Risa Taniguchi
meets DrumBrute Impact

Risa Taniguchi is one of Japan’s most exciting new electronic music producers. She recently added our fiery DrumBrute Impact to her creative setup, so we got in touch to find out how she’s using it.

"Around the time when I started DJing, the club scene in Tokyo was deeply connected with its fashion scene. One of my friends brought me to a club one day, and that was when I felt a real connection with electronic music for the first time. Before that, I had been obsessed in the classical music world. The electronic music act I fell in love with was Chemical Brothers."

"Since I was a child, I’ve been playing classical piano, and was also taught to play the violin and trombone in school. I’m not sure about what the modern music education is like now, but looking back when I was there, my music class was pretty much about singing and performing together, so electronic music was something very new to me."

"DrumBrute Impact is such a great instrument to use in electronic and techno music."

"I usually go with the flow with DrumBrute Impact, and enjoy jamming to get a big picture of the drum programming for my entire song. I also sometimes record single drum hits to my computer and use it as a one-shot sample."

"I generally start a song either with recording a vocal sample or sequencing drums."

"I believe the power behind the DrumBrute Impact is its sound quality."

"For me, it’s more about the way it sounds rather than its sequencer or other functions."

"For the year ahead, I’m planning to really define my sound, and ask myself “what is my music”, rather than try a variety of sounds. Also, 2018 was pretty much about creating my music, so in 2019 I’d like to perform more often and hopefully play at many venues in countries all over the world. When I do, DrumBrute Impact will definitely be a part of that."

Risa Taniguchi
meets DrumBrute Impact

新世代のエレクトロ・ミュージックを担う、最も勢いのある日本人プロデューサーであるRisa Taniguchiに、その生い立ちやキャリアについて話を聞かせてもらった。

"私がDJを始めた頃、東京のクラブシーンはファッションシーンと密接な関わりがあったんです。それまでずっとクラシック音楽をやっていたので、友達に連れられて初めてクラブに行ったのが、エレクトロニック・ミュージックと出会ったきっかけですね。当時一番のお気に入りだったのは、Chemical Brothersでした。"



"DrumBrute Impactは、テクノをはじめとしてエレクトロニック・ミュージックを作る上で素晴らしい楽器だと思います。"

"大抵の場合、思いつくままにDrumBrute Impactでドラムパートを演奏してみて、楽曲の全体図を構成してみます。単体のパートを録音してコンピュータに取り込んで、ワンショットのサンプルとして使うこともありますね。"


"DrumBrute Impactの強みは、間違いなくその音の良さにあると思います。"


"2019年は、色んな音楽を模索するというよりも、「何が私の音楽なのか」ということにフォーカスしていきたいです。あと、2018年は制作しっぱなしだったので今年は世界中の色んな場所でDJです。制作面では、確実にDrumBrute Impactにまたお世話になると思います。"