


シンセサイザー & ドラムマシン

















[…] NAMM 2012で、Arturiaが初のアナログキーボード、MiniBruteを発表した。しかも、素晴らしいサウンドを競合製品の半分以下の価格で武装して。Arturiaは、来るべきドレンド、すなわちアナログシンセシスの再興と最終的な覇権を認識し、鼓舞する先見の明を持っていた。この上ないタイミングだった。

Geary Yelton (「Synth and Software」誌創刊編集人)

  • 2012年1月



  • 2013年10月


    Bruteの生来の純粋なパワーを、ポータブルなフォームファクターにスリム化。迫力あるノコギリ波のベースライン、灼熱のリード、セミモジュラー構造 ─ コンパクトなサイズにもかかわらず、MicroBruteは巨大なパンチを秘めています。ファットなアナログサウンドに妥協したくない、移動の多いミュージシャンやプロデューサーに最適で、確かな手応えのこの小さな野獣は、致命的なほど危険であると同時に遊び心に溢れています。

  • 2016年1月



  • 2017年10月



  • 2018年9月

    DrumBrute Impact

    DrumBrute Impactは、音作りが楽しいアナログドラムサウンド、内蔵ディストーション回路、そしてパフォーマンスに効果的なポリメトリック・シーケンスを搭載し、Bruteとしてのリズムのあり方を進化させました。このコンパクトなフォームファクター、インタラクティブなレイアウト、最高なサウンドキャラクターは、ひとクセあるリズムと危険なアナログサウンドが簡単に作れるように設計されています。

  • 2020年9月




  • Gearspace

    On PolyBrute 12

    “It’s a beast, and capable of sounds across the board”

  • Sound On Sound

    On PolyBrute 12

    “You’ll discover sounds and ways of expressing them that cannot be obtained on any other instrument.”

  • Music Radar

    On PolyBrute 12

    “The PolyBrute was already a fantastic synth, but this update puts it up there with the best – and most forward-thinking – synths on the market”

  • Gearnews

    On PolyBrute 12

    “The immediacy, the connection and the performance make this, in my very humble opinion, one of the greatest polyphonic analogue synthesizers of all time.”

  • Noisegate

    On MiniBrute 2

    “There’s a lot of fun and flexibility to be had here and sound wise there’s some very nice sweet spots. It’s a synth that absolutely rewards tinkering and experimenting.”

  • Resident Advisor

    On MiniBrute 2S

    “Minibrute 2S sounds good—though the synth's architecture is simple, there's a lot you can do with all that sequencing muscle.”

  • 429Records

    On DrumBrute

    “Arturia DrumBrute Analog Drum Machine puts classic analog drum sounds in your hands. It then goes even further, to give you the tools to play around with these sounds, creating just about any style or pattern you can think of.”

  • Tape Op

    On MiniBrute 2

    “In conclusion, if you’re looking to get started with analog synthesis, all of the Brutes are great entry level synths in terms of price, but also deliver serious sonics and flexibility well beyond what you’d expect from an entry level unit. These would make a great addition to an existing system like Thom’s studio or, if you’re just starting out like Geoff, are not likely going to be something you’ll want to replace as you get deeper with synths. At every price point Arturia is delivering gear that exceeds expectations.”

  • Audio Fanzine

    On DrumBrute Impact

    “With its very competitive price, DrumBrute Impact is positioned as a very affordable composition and performance tool to start or complement ones analog stage or studio setup. We award him a 2018 'Value for Money' Award”

  • Audio Technology

    On DrumBrute Impact

    “I’m certain the machine will be a runaway success, simply because of the kick and the distortion effect. Then the FM Drum adds a world of versatility to the device again. Go have a listen, absorb a slight incursion on the credit card and grab what will outrun the original DrumBrute as a true classic.”

  • Electronic Musician

    On DrumBrute

    “With its 17 rich, fully analog per-cussion sounds, the DrumBrute has all the poten-tial of a future classic of the stage and studio.”

  • Future Music

    On MatrixBrute

    “Arturia have really made something special here. Future classic? Absolutely!”

  • Sound On Sound

    On MatrixBrute

    “MatrixBrute is a powerful synthesizer and, once you get to grips with it, its flexibility is astounding.”

  • Sound Recording

    On MiniBrute

    “I used the MiniBrute live with Denki Groove. The big, fat, powerful sound coming from this real analog beast filled the Yokohama arena extremely well. The chassis is solid and makes the MiniBrute ideal on stage.”

  • Future Music

    On MiniBrute

    “For more than 40 years, ‘the Mini’ referred unambiguously to a single synthesizer, and it wasn’t French. The fact that this may no longer be true suggests that Arturia are on the way to achieving something quite extraordinary.”

  • Ask Audio

    On MiniBrute SE

    “This baby/beast has full USB/MIDI/ CV connectivity which make this a killer synth for the analog purist.”

  • Ask Audio

    On MicroBrute

    “the MicroBrute is designed to provide all the essential elements of an analog classic synth in a convenient and fun to use package.”

  • Electronic Musician

    On MicroBrute SE

    “The result is a ton of analog goodness from a lightweight synth that won’t empty your bank account.”

  • Keyboard Magazine

    On MiniBrute SE

    “With its retro look, the MiniBrute SE adds an old-school step sequencer to a highly portable and powerful monosynth.”

  • Sound On Sound

    On MicroBrute

    “The MicroBrute is a pure analogue synth, and it sounds like one. The MicroBrute will become a significant success in its own right.”

  • Audio Technology

    On Origin Desktop

    “The Origin has an unashamedly large, lush sound and quite unlike what you'd expect from software synths - and rightly so as this isn't a software synth. This is dedicated DSP, designed strictly for the creation of huge analogue-sounding synth patches. All the usual adjectives spring to mind: syrupy, smooth, fat, etc. In short, it sounds quite amazing, with a lot fo the "hybrid" patches screaming "Oberheim®" to me. Plus, it really has a very hands-on synthesis engine thrown into the bargain- easy to program and edit, and lots of fun to use.”

  • Music Radar

    On Origin Desktop

    “It's with great pleasure that I can tell you that the Origin sounds amazing and well worth the effort that Arturia has put into programming it. It's everything you would expect and more and should keep you occupied for many years.”

  • Amazona

    On PolyBrute 12

    “This synthesizer is fun and offers a whole host of sounds that can now be performed even more expressively.”

  • Audio Fanzine

    On PolyBrute 12

    “This is a high-end polyphonic analog synth designed for the most elitist studios and stages”

  • MusicTech

    On PolyBrute

    “The PolyBrute is a hugely enjoyable and characterful synth, with some exceptionally interesting facilities that make it stand out from the crowd”






  • Bruteオシレーター: 複数の波形、複雑なウェーブフォールディング、強烈なフィードバックを実現するBruteファクターを内蔵した、オリジナルのアナログオシレーター。

  • Steiner-Parkerフィルター: 70年代に発表された伝説的なマルチモードフィルターをリメイクし、さらに強化。音の存在感や迫力、ベルベットのような滑らかさ、そしてその中間のすべてを兼ね備えています。

  • パッチング: Bruteシリーズは、セミモジュラー・スタイルのCV接続から複雑なモジュレーション・マトリクスまで、オーディオ信号や電圧の信号経路を自由に変更する能力を備えています。



