Dear {firstname},

As this year is coming to an end, it's the perfect time to tell you how proud we are to have experienced this one by your side. We never forget that if you were not there to play our instruments, they would remain desperately mute.

Thank you, and have a wonderful 2018! We've got some exciting things in store, and we can't wait for you to experience them.
What better way to show our recognition than bringing you some bonus sounds for free? We implemented 15 new multi presets in Analog Lab 3. Created by Lily Jordi and Jean-Michel Blanchet, they combine the vast power of CMI V with our other keyboard recreations to make some truly awe-inspiring sounds! Simply update Analog Lab 3 and the presets will be added.
Increasing the size of your studio and adding three new models of piano is not something that happens often in a musician's life. Still, with the new Piano V2, this is what you get! In this quick tutorial video, you can hear the new pianos in action, and have a run down of the great new features.
The team at Arturia consider V Collection 6 like our very own child, and like all good parents, we don't let it get away with bad behaviour. We are releasing some hotfixes to ensure it will never cease to amaze you! Download the new versions on our website, or directly via the Arturia Software Center.
The Festive Season is the perfect occasion to express your generosity towards the ones you love. Fine. Isn't it also an appropriate period to treat yourself? Make sure to add one last special gift for yourself under the Christmas Tree! As an Arturia product owner, you can take advantage of the best offer you will ever get on V Collection 6!
Musically yours,
The Arturia Team
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