
Let your sound exploration begin

_Pigments 6 & Explorations bundles

To celebrate the launch of Pigments 6, it is available for an exclusive intro price alongside discounts for owners on the latest Explorations Bundle Vol.3, alongside Vol.1 & 2.

Explorations Vol. 2
_Explorations Vol. 2
Explorations Vol. 1
_Explorations Vol. 1
Explorations Vol. 3
_Explorations Vol. 3

_Software collections

Our premium suites of software instruments for unparalleled sonic exploration

FX Collection 5
_FX Collection 5
V Collection X
_V Collection X

_Newest software

Our latest software instruments and effects

Synthx V
_Synthx V
MiniFreak V
_MiniFreak V
Tape J-37
_Tape J-37
MiniBrute V
_MiniBrute V

_Newest Hardware

Our latest hardware synthesizers and controllers

MiniLab 3 Mint Edition
_MiniLab 3 Mint Edition
PolyBrute 12
_PolyBrute 12

_Tribute to sounds

Our finest homage to their sound universe

Kavinsky Tribute
_Kavinsky Tribute
The Witcher Tribute
_The Witcher Tribute
Floyd Tribute
_Floyd Tribute
Flume Tribute
_Flume Tribute

_Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods are available?

How does the quick purchase option work?

What is the Express Checkout?

How can I order VAT free (Tax-exempt)?

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